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6 Recruitment Strategies for Hiring Great Employees in 2024

6 Recruitment Strategies for Hiring Great Employees in 2024 | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Understanding the qualities that distinguish top performers in the workplace is critical for any organization. Studies have shown that a small percentage of employees contribute significantly to overall productivity. One found that the top 1% of employees account for 10% of productivity, while the top 5% contribute to 26% of total output. This begs the question: what attributes set these high-performing individuals apart?

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Why Inclusive Hiring Practices Are Important—And How To Implement Them

Why Inclusive Hiring Practices Are Important—And How To Implement Them | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

On June 29, 2023, the Supreme Court ruled that affirmative action at universities, where race and ethnicity is considered a factor for admission and to create a diverse student body, is unconstitutional under the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.

This ruling has led to confusion among some American businesses about whether hiring practices are similarly impacted or could be, leading to costly litigation and regulatory burdens. Not to mention, this decision comes at a time when unemployment is at a 50-year low and many businesses are struggling to attract and retain workers.

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How to Win the Talent War in the Property Management Industry

How to Win the Talent War in the Property Management Industry | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Blink and you’ve missed it. The workplace just changed again. We are in the middle of a tremendous shift in how (and where) people work. And, with the boomers retiring in droves there’s a shortage of experienced property professionals out there. Believe it or not, you’re in a talent war with your fiercest property competitors for employees.

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6 Expert Ways to Integrate Performance Management and Talent Management | Zavvy

6 Expert Ways to Integrate Performance Management and Talent Management | Zavvy | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Few things in business are as important as having a talented and productive workforce. To make this a reality for your organization, two key HR concepts stand out from the crowd: performance management and talent management. 

Whether you need clarity on the definition of each or are looking for best practices to combine them, this guide has you covered. 

We offer a comprehensive breakdown of the differences and overlaps between talent management and performance management, complete with six best integration practices. 

An added bonus? 

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Vast Majority of Americans Prefer In-Person Job Interviews vs. Virtual

Vast Majority of Americans Prefer In-Person Job Interviews vs. Virtual | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

When interviewing for a new job, Americans overwhelmingly prefer an in-person meeting to a virtual format, according to the latest American Staffing Association Workforce Monitor® online survey conducted by The Harris Poll.

In total, 70% of all Americans prefer in-person job interviews, compared with 17% who favor video calls and only 9% who prefer audio-only calls.

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3 Ways to Revamp Your HR Processes

3 Ways to Revamp Your HR Processes | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

With the new year and setting new objectives, you’re likely overwhelmed with all that you need to do. One goal to consider is revamping your HR processes. This can help streamline the way you do business and simplify how you manage your people.

Here are three simple ways to revamp your HR processes.

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20 Must Have New Year Resolutions for Business Professionals

Looking back at the previous year, it's time to look ahead. Refreshing and recharging are what you need to get the most out of the new year. What can you do differently this year? You can start with these 20 new year resolutions

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Ways to Motivate Employees During the Holidays

Ways to Motivate Employees During the Holidays | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Celebrating the holiday season can be a fun way to keep your employees engaged and focused. But as the season progresses, you may start to notice employees who are losing steam. Your employees are extra busy during the holiday months as they are making time for visiting friends, shopping, baking, and enjoying holiday celebrations with family. By the time the new year rolls around many of them might feel burnt out and unmotivated. Here are a few ways you can help boost their energy and keep them motivated this holiday season.

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10 Trends for The Future of Remote Work for Small Businesses !

10 Trends for The Future of Remote Work for Small Businesses ! | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

The Census Bureau reports that 36.9% of surveyed adults in the United States switched to remote work in some form, for at least part of their employment hours, during the pandemic. This shift to remote work affected so many and kicked off a number of changes to how we approach work and our daily lives. Some of these changes are here to stay and may even inspire trends for years to come.

Here are the top work from home trends to keep an eye on now and into the future.

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What Are The Top Background Screening Trends For 2021?

What Are The Top Background Screening Trends For 2021? | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Back in the day, background screening was a relatively straightforward process, typically limited to drug testing and criminal background checks.

Since that time, most companies around the world have implemented new screening tools and technologies to augment and optimize their background screening process to obtain a full dossier on potential candidates in a timely manner, thereby gaining not only confidence in hiring decisions, but cost savings as well.

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Startups have never had it so good

Startups have never had it so good | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

The venture capital market is racing ahead, foot on the gas, middle finger out the window, hair on fire. That’s our read of the Q2 2021 data released thus far concerning how much money venture capitalists deployed around the world during the second three months of the year.

Startups have never had it this good when it comes to accessing private-market funds. The second quarter of 2021 was the biggest quarter for venture capital activity ever, measured by dollars invested.

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Getting Ready for 2024 | The Sales Blog

Getting Ready for 2024 | The Sales Blog | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

I know you are working on ending the year strong. Your sales manager is encouraging you to pull the last couple of deals across the line. But this week, many people will be taking time off to spend with their families and friends, which means your contacts might not be at work on Wednesday and Friday. If this is true for you, it’s a good time to start building your plan to succeed in 2024.

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9 Hospitality Jobs That Pay Well

9 Hospitality Jobs That Pay Well | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

While many industries focus on making and selling products, hospitality is more concerned with delivering service. A hospitality job is one that involves working in a service-oriented industry, such as tourism, lodging, events, transportation, or food and beverage, and performing tasks that foster a relationship with your company’s customers.

Services now comprise a large portion of the US economy, meaning that there’s high demand for hospitality roles at all experience levels. While some entry-level roles, such as server or bartender, tend not to require formal education, more advanced positions, like those in hotel management, have started requiring a college degree. That being said, hospitality can be an excellent industry in which to advance with on-the-job experience. 

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The Future of Travel: Trends and Predictions in the Hospitality Industry

The Future of Travel: Trends and Predictions in the Hospitality Industry | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

In the grand theater of economic sectors, the hospitality industry has consistently played a lead role. A powerful force in the global economy, this industry has been a cornerstone of growth and development in countries worldwide. But it’s an industry that never stays static; it evolves and adapts to the changing demands of travelers and the global scene. Over the past years, we’ve seen dramatic shifts in the way the hospitality industry operates. Be it that your company offers the cheapest weekly rate hotels or large-scale exclusive operations, these changes are not random; they are reflective of larger global trends and shifts in consumer behavior, technology, and sustainability. With an exciting future unfolding, this article aims to explore the trends and predictions shaping the future of travel and hospitality.

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How to Give a c

How to Give a c | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Poor presentation skills cost businesses time, money and opportunities. For entrepreneurs who rely on presentations to secure new investments or land large client accounts, a weak presentation can be the difference between success and failure.

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The supply chain trends shaking up 2023 - KPMG Global

The supply chain trends shaking up 2023 - KPMG Global | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Disruptions to supply chain operations are set to stay in 2023, whether they be existing or new geopolitical conflicts, inflationary pressures and the recessionary environment, climate change weather events, or other issues yet to emerge. They can all impact access to goods and how they flow to their final destination, create port holdups, reduce container and ocean freight availability, and surge prices, among other concerns.

In 2023, amid these disruptions, there will likely be some key supply chain trends to manage. Managing your organization’s response to these can be a critical opportunity in the year ahead. At KPMG, from within our Global Operations Centre of Excellence, we firmly believe that: nations will be skeptical about cross-border trade cooperation; cyber criminals will ramp up activity; there will be key material access turmoil; manufacturing footprints will change shape; retail and distribution supply chains are morphing rapidly; supply chain technology investments will accelerate; and on the ESG front, scope 3 emissions will be scrutinized – notably, by investors and regulators in addition to the environmentally conscious consumer.

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Hotel Budget Season: Are you Ready for 2023? | By Patrick Landman

Hotel Budget Season: Are you Ready for 2023? | By Patrick Landman | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

No time to lose, the next year is almost here. And a good hotel budget plan isn’t made overnight.

How far are you with your targets, budget, and plan of attack for next year? What REVPAR and GOPPAR do you need to achieve? Have you gone over what next year will look like in terms of performance, and does it describe all actions in detail? Does everyone on the team know what the objectives are and which steps to take to get there? Did you make your new hotel budget already or are you right in the middle? What methodology are you using? Are you simply adding 3% to 5% each month based on last year’s performance? Or are you really putting your teeth into it and drilling down per segment, per channel, per account, and per day?

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Assembly Lines and Respect for Work-Life Balance 

Assembly Lines and Respect for Work-Life Balance  | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

The assembly line is often credited to Henry Ford and the first Model T. While there were some great advances in the moving assembly line, the history of the division of labor go back centuries. An assembly line has multiple workers performing the same task, in order, to produce a result. In early days, a single craftsman would build an object or perform end to end work. Division of labor dictates that each worker does the same task, over and over, in conjunction with others, to produce an output. Think of early settlers chopping wood. Rather than two people chopping up a log, putting down the axe, picking up the pieces and walking over to stack them, one person chops and one person stacks. Adam Smith, in his Wealth of Nations, talks about division of labor.

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Social Skills Matter ! Develop Yours Today

Social Skills Matter ! Develop Yours Today | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Often I hear people tell me they struggle with social skills. Whether it is social anxiety or not knowing how to read other people correctly, there are ways we can learn. We can push ourselves which can benefit our interactions with other people. If we can improve these interactions, we can further our: social life […]

We can push ourselves which can benefit our interactions with other people.

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Challenges Services Companies Face with Talent Sourcing

Challenges Services Companies Face with Talent Sourcing | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

The right talent sourcing is important for every company- starting from small and mid-sized firms to larger ones including the multi-national companies. Hiring the right talent is pivotal for organizational success, but recruiting has been one of the most challenging aspects of HR, especially for technology and product-based companies. The major segment of the industry that source candidates include the consulting and staffing companies along with a large number of recruitment vendors and sub-vendors.  There is no doubt that the candidate landscape is changing with evolving technologies. 

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More Opportunity Than Capital: Venture Dollars Spread Throughout the US

More Opportunity Than Capital: Venture Dollars Spread Throughout the US | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Nearly $161.5 billion of venture capital poured into U.S.-based companies last year, as the private markets and tech startup ecosystem had another banner year.

While the country as a whole saw new highs reached in venture, so did states such as Washington, North Carolina and Minnesota — not just in the amount of capital raised by private companies in those states, but also in terms of the percentage of total venture capital dollars in the country

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