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How to Become a Courageous Leader

We all know that effective leadership is needed in the workplace to succeed. However, let’s take a closer look at the art of leadership. What does it truly take for a leader to be successful and effective? How do leaders approach difficult situations and find the inner strength to lead their teams to success? The answer is courage. 

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17 Indispensable Secrets to Management Success

17 Indispensable Secrets to Management Success | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Do you often wonder what the secrets to success are in management? You are not alone if so, as many managers find management to be incredibly challenging (especially when they first start out) but see many people seemingly born to be a manager. While it is certainly true that some people seem to be naturally good managers, there is also a lot that you can learn and skills that you can develop which could help you to excel.

The Secrets to Management Success

Discovering the secrets to successful management will help you excel in your role, get the most out of your team, overcome common business challenges and take the entire company forward. With this in mind, here are a few of the main secrets to management success that could help you to start making improvements right now.

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Important Skills Every Manager Should Have To Succeed

Important Skills Every Manager Should Have To Succeed | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

The corporate world has seen several new changes in the past few years. The rapid innovations in technology, especially the Internet, have taken globalization to an entirely new level. Companies from all over the world have become more connected than ever. Similarly, diversification of the workforce is at an all-time high. While all these changes have had a positive impact on the performance of employees, it has also resulted in managerial roles becoming more demanding and skill-oriented.

Managers are the glue that keeps a workforce unified and drive it to do their best. They outline goals for the team and work deliberately to achieve these goals. Good management skills have a tremendous impact on employee satisfaction and engagement, and the overall success of an organization.

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Getting Leadership Team Composition Right

Getting Leadership Team Composition Right | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

As we have mentioned in other articles, leadership teams are not and should not be like any other team in an organization. Knowingly or unknowingly, they create the conditions for their organizations to either thrive or flounder. Because the stakes are so high it is absolutely critical for CEOs to get the composition right.

Executives at many companies rise the ranks in large part because of their past accomplishments and functional expertise; sales results for the head of sales, successful product launches for the CMO, balance sheet and capital raises for the CFO, technological innovation for the CTO. Advancement is also often a reward for putting in hard work and years of service or forming the necessary political bonds with the right senior influencers. Functional track record, work ethic and relationship skills are important for any senior executive, but are insufficient when an executive is asked to be part of an effective senior leadership team.

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The Top 3 Leadership Qualities Following COVID-19

The Top 3 Leadership Qualities Following COVID-19 | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

It’s clear that COVID-19 has changed the way we do business. We’ve needed to adjust communication within a business, update the way we connect with potential customers and even alter the products and services we provide. Three leadership skills have become essential to succeed in these confusing times: communication, adaptability, and transparency.

Communication has long been seen as an essential business soft skill, and having the ability to excel in this area is needed now more than ever. Meeting colleagues face-to-face has become rare for many of us. Instead we’re reliant on video conferencing software which allows us to still spot visual clues whilst in conversation with a colleague. It’s not an exact substitute for face-to-face conversations though, as we only see a small proportion of a person on screen, so can easily miss signs that are more apparent in person. To counteract this, we need to put more effort into our communication, carefully choosing our words and tone so we can provide clear direction.

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Executive Mindset: Advice for Women Leaders to Navigate the Glass Ceiling

Executive Mindset: Advice for Women Leaders to Navigate the Glass Ceiling | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Discussions of the “glass ceiling,” an invisible barrier to the progression of women (and other underrepresented leaders) from management to the executive ranks, has traditionally focused on discriminatory dynamics. But there’s more to the glass ceiling than discrimination. Executives who make it to the top learn to build an effective executive mindset, demonstrating proficiency in working ON the business in addition to IN the business, and project an authentic executive presence. 

The modern glass ceiling is largely a function of unconscious bias

Most executives today think of themselves as tolerant, open and accepting of people who look different than they do and come from diverse backgrounds. They often have a desire to see more diversity in their leadership ranks.

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Make Hiring Great Talent A Leadership Priority

Make Hiring Great Talent A Leadership Priority | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Great leaders know that talent propels a company’s success. Talent drives innovation and sets a business apart, giving it a competitive edge. Yet far too often leaders relegate hiring to their recruiters and pay little attention to getting the right people in the right jobs. But if you want to attract great competitive talent—people who can choose to work anywhere—then you, as the CEO, need to be directly involved in hiring. You need to make hiring a top priority and become what we call a “Talent Maker.” This is a fundamental shift away from the traditional concept that talent acquisition is the role of recruiters.

As a Talent Maker, you have three roles for three different constituencies. You are a talent leader to your organization; a talent magnet to the people that your company wants to hire; and a talent partner to your internal recruiting team. Each role needs some explanation.


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9 Most Essential Leadership Attributes of a Great Leader

9 Most Essential Leadership Attributes of a Great Leader | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Great leaders are like mirrors. What they want to see in their team they often exhibit in themselves, even if that means facing things they’d prefer not to.
Can a handful of leadership attributes define every great leader? Or could you have a combination of many skills and still be a great leader?
Could a leader really change the course of a company, team, or even an individual’s happiness and success? And what’s the big deal about leadership anyway if you don’t have a team to lead?
According to LinkedIn, there’s a 76% chance of an employee still being at a company after 12 months, however by year three that drops to 48%!
Worryingly, 89% of employers think employees leave because of money, when only 12% actually do
Furthermore, reportedly over a third of employees are actively or casually looking for a new job right now. In the US alone, employers spend $2.9M per day looking for replacement workers. That’s $1.1B per year!

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Find Your Digital Executive Presence

Find Your Digital Executive Presence | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

What does it mean to project good leadership over a computer screen?

Over the last year, digital communication has become the bedrock of our work lives, whether we like it or not. With the global pandemic forcing many of us into long term remote work arrangements, we can no longer fall back on physical body language to showcase our best traits and distinguish ourselves from our colleagues. Whereas we used to score points with our innate charisma or a freshly ironed suit, it’s become harder to subliminally communicate our best traits — what I call “executive presence.” How are we supposed to convey confidence and integrity over video calls without looking like a try hard?

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How company culture affects employee engagement

How company culture affects employee engagement | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

What is Employee Engagement?

While many leaders think employee engagement surveys alone can improve their organization, CultureIQ’s decades of research show that improving overall culture is a far more effective way to improve business outcomes and propel growth. Employee engagement, while important, is a direct outcome of a strong company culture.

What is employee engagement? It refers to how employees feel about their culture and their jobs. The stronger a company’s culture, the better employees understand what is expected of them and what they’re working toward. Engaged employees are more likely to stay happy, motivated, and committed to your company.

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How Finance Leaders Can Equip Their Team To Tackle Change

In the face of economic turmoil, agility has taken on a new meaning for organisations. For modern enterprises, agility has become a defining characteristic of businesses that can better anticipate what is coming, act quickly when faced with change, and more decisively respond to the demands of customers, market shifts, and competitive threats. Today’s finance teams are challenged to provide more guidance than ever before, with more accurate forecasts and reports in the face of unpredictable events. Traditional spreadsheets are no longer manageable at the pace business is moving, and, instead, finance teams are moving to cloud platforms powered by machine learning to help accelerate the planning process.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic emerged on a global scale in the first months of 2020, finance teams across the world have been put to a once-in-a-generation test. While many have been able to provide critical decision-making support leveraging new technologies and processes, many organisations were caught off guard. As a result, it has acted as a wake-up call for finance departments that, for various reasons, have delayed digital initiatives. According to a survey of CFOs conducted at the height of the pandemic, one-in-three CFOs (34%) report that they plan to prioritise digital finance transformation next year, compared to just 5% as the pandemic hit.

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Are You Getting the Best Out of Your Leadership Team?

Are You Getting the Best Out of Your Leadership Team? | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Almost all successful organizations are grounded by a skillful and talented leadership team. But how can you ensure that your team leaders are hitting their full potential? If you want to get more out of your business, you have to get more out of your team. And that means investing in your leaders. Here are some of the most important ways you can make that happen:

Start with the right people. Make sure you’re hiring and promoting the right leaders. Take your time and be patient when you’re filling a leadership position. The better the fit, the better the performance.

Embrace diversity. Embrace all types of leadership styles and diversity of background, thought and opinions. Different people bring different ideas, and diversity is key to creativity and innovation—so make sure to give your organization that strategic advantage.

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5 Pivotal Frontline Manager Skills to Hire For

5 Pivotal Frontline Manager Skills to Hire For | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

 Though 77 percent of executives say frontline managers are crucial in helping their business reach its goals, only 12 percent of executives actually invest in growing and developing frontline managers.

How can you recruit the best candidates for the job and better develop their roles? We’re here to provide some insight with the top five frontline manager skills you should hire for.

What Do Frontline Managers Focus On?

Frontline managers can comprise approximately 60 percent of a company’s managers and supervise up to 80 percent of the company’s workforce. Central to your organization’s business strategies, frontline managers focus on finding efficient ways to execute those same strategies. They ensure your employees are meeting day-to-day goals that help improve your bottom line.

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10 Key Hospitality Management Leadership Qualities

10 Key Hospitality Management Leadership Qualities | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

For leaders in businesses whose lifeblood is immediate consumer satisfaction, success hinges on accurately assessing customer needs and motivations. Nowhere is that more evident than in the hospitality industry, where the essence of success is understanding and satisfying a diverse array of people whose ideas of satisfaction range from stereotypical to peculiar. It follows that interpersonal skills dominate our list of 10 key hospitality management leadership qualities.

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10 Leadership Habits of Highly Effective Leaders

10 Leadership Habits of Highly Effective Leaders | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

When someone claims that they know how to lead using a specific formula, run. There is no one way to lead or no specific formula to follow, but there are certain habits that if you practice daily, you will become a better leader.

“Leadership is influence — nothing more, nothing less.” — John Maxwell

Brene Brown defines leadership in terms of courage. She states that a true leader is a person who believes in her people’s potential and has the courage to develop them. John Maxwell agrees with Brene Brown but defines leadership by saying, “Leadership is influence — nothing more, nothing less.”

As we see above, it is hard for two experts to agree on one definition of leadership, so this article will not give you a single skill or formula to be a better leader. Instead, it will provide you something better, 10 habits that you need to gain influence with the courage to develop your team’s potential.

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Key Management Skills for the Age of Remote Work

Key Management Skills for the Age of Remote Work | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically shifted the nature of daily work for millions of Americans. While working remotely was a privilege enjoyed by relatively few pre-pandemic, Gallup has reported that just over half of Americans were “always” working remotely in April 2020 during the height of COVID workplace restrictions. That proportion has fallen to about one-third, but that’s still significantly higher than the roughly 7% who had that option pre-COVID.

The shift to widespread remote work has certainly been a big change for employees, but what’s often overlooked is the major change this shift also represents for managers. Many managers are now not only working remotely themselves but also managing teams who are remote.

Managing from afar is different and requires different skills, strategies, and techniques. What skills do managers need more than ever in an era of remote work and why? How can they build or enhance these skills? In this feature, we provide some insight from industry experts.

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How to Cultivate Your Leadership Skills

How to Cultivate Your Leadership Skills | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Leadership is something that will help you in your learning and career development. Strong people can run companies, make tough decisions, and succeed no matter what. But how do you become a real leader? This is a pretty tricky question. Fortunately, some universal tips help students and those who have already completed their studies and want to build a successful career. This is the time to cultivate your leadership skills. 

Practice Discipline

If you want to be a leader, you must know what discipline is. Create your own daily routine, be punctual, and take notes. Your main task is to learn how to follow the rules and control your every step. This is the only way you will know what your subordinates should do and whether it is realistic to adhere to the selected schedule.

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How to Be an Inclusive Leader

How to Be an Inclusive Leader | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

In our increasingly diverse world, effective leaders need to be knowledgeable and skilled in inclusive leadership. In short, inclusive leadership is about recognizing and accepting the multiple identities of those whom you lead. But the keys to inclusion are not resting on the shoulders of leaders alone. All members of the group or organization can play an important role in promoting inclusion and leveraging the benefits of a diverse workforce.

The advantages of a diverse workforce are clear. Diverse organizations perform better than those that are less diverse, particularly if the team or organization is managed and led properly.

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The future of leadership: Skills to look for in business leaders post-COVID-19

The future of leadership: Skills to look for in business leaders post-COVID-19 | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

The COVID-19 pandemic has radically altered the business landscape. Many companies experienced anywhere from a 20 to 60 percent loss in revenue in 2020, and more than 14 million Americans either temporarily or permanently lost their jobs.

This pandemic has impacted every industry and every aspect of our lives. The 2020 word of the year was “pivot,” as we all scrambled to rapidly adapt. With continuing anxieties surrounding health and safety, job security, education disruption and financial strains, it is apparent that we can’t simply ignore the emotional fallout. Real change is required in the way we lead.

For so long, our idea of strong leadership has been shaped by strict delegation and direction, where managers lead the way and employees dutifully follow. As we continue to grapple with disruptions to our businesses and personal lives, this perception has evolved, as managers who remain effective have noticed a shift in what new leadership requires. We must reexamine the way we lead and redefine strength itself.

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5 Ways to Be a Leader Your Employees Will Respect

5 Ways to Be a Leader Your Employees Will Respect | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

You just hired the perfect employee. His or her overall business acumen runs as deep as his or her functional knowledge. He or she leads with empathy, is an expert communicator and perfectly rounds out your already high-performing diverse workforce. Now, the goal is to empower your new hire to create his or her life's best work. To do this, you'll need to show inclusive leadership.

Inclusive leadership is your ongoing commitment throughout the employment lifecycle to create psychological safety. And given there's still a microscopic parasite floating around outside, providing psychological safety in the workplace should be an essential part of your business. 

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7 Things Great Leaders Do Every Day

7 Things Great Leaders Do Every Day | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Leadership is as much of an art as it is a science. Each experience is different and, therefore, will require unique skill sets to navigate. And yet, there are seven things, regardless of who you are and what you do, that a great Leader does each day.

1. Communicate the state of things

This “must-do” does not entail a formalized process. What it does equire is ensuring that you are giving your team updates, allowing for questions, and collecting any valuable insights that otherwise would not be attained. Few things are more detrimental to a team than choosing to play your cards close. That tactic from yesteryears is proven to suck employee morale dry. A leader needs to inspire takeaways, which will bring value to-and-for the team. Consistency in success relies on having all able hands on deck, working together and with mutual understanding, to make for the steadiest ship.

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5 ways coronavirus has changed the leadership role

5 ways coronavirus has changed the leadership role | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our expectations of the leadership role. The swiftness of change and the uncertainty it inflicted on us has altered our values. We’re seeing leadership in a new light. Existing leaders now need to reassess their roles in response to the change.

There are five major shifts in thinking and values, which will forever change the leadership role.

  1. Shift in the perception of ‘valuable’ employees.
    Businesses have realised the importance of their front-line teams in getting things done. Without the efforts of these people, who are often at the lower end of the pay scale, many businesses couldn’t have continued.

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Scaling remote leadership

Scaling remote leadership | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Remote working has been on a global upward trajectory, with the U.S alone witnessing a 103% increase over the last decade. In 2021, this growth will likely accelerate with organisations forced to limit physical interaction and scale up work-from-home alternatives.

With remote working showing no signs of slowing down, leading and managing distributed teams will be a must have skill for all types of businesses, whether small, medium, or large.

The benefits of remote working are apparent with greater employee satisfaction, higher productivity, and cost savings among the indisputable advantages of this shift. If executed well, remote working can offer businesses a significant competitive advantage.

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What to Expect of Great Sales Leadership

What to Expect of Great Sales Leadership | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

“How do I build a great sales culture at my company?” I get that question often from small business owners. And what I always share is that it starts with your leaders. When hiring for sales leadership roles, you have to think well beyond just promoting an experienced account executive who can drive opportunities. What you should really be looking for is a leader with the skills and upside to run a business.

Let’s take a deeper look at what you should keep an eye out for in sales leadership:

1. Emotional intelligence

Sales leaders are essentially arm-chair psychologists. They need to be able to connect with people and understand what makes them tick. They must inspire their team to learn and give positive feedback that motivates. It’s very hard to find and hire people who have emotional intelligence already. It’s even more challenging to try to teach it.

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Are You the Leader Your Work Team Needs?

Are You the Leader Your Work Team Needs? | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Being the leader of a work team is not only about distributing or assigning activities and waiting for progress to be reported, it goes much further than that. Today more than ever, being a leader represents a great challenge for the people who perform this role.

Why? Because the generations that today occupy a higher percentage of the labor market are more volatile, they jump from one job to another and when they do not like something, they do not hesitate to show their discontent, and many times, they do not do it in a professional way.

And definitely, we must not drop everything on our team. As leaders we must understand that our work goes beyond directing them.

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