What are the Stages of a Sales Pipeline? | ISC Recruiting News & Views | Scoop.it

Filling a sales position means finding a candidate who understands the sales pipeline and their role in managing it. After all, the sales pipeline is an important part in a company’s success, as creating and maintaining it is essential for earning new sales and delighting customers.

Sales pipelines help business owners discover five key insights, one of which is where they have resource gaps and overallocation. This means sales managers and owners have data on where they need more salespeople — and why. The pipeline has multiple stages, starting with prospecting, then continuing through lead qualification, demos and meetings, proposals, and beyond.

As with any part of the sales process, or running a business in general, data is key. When considering the sales pipeline, metrics matter. These metrics include lead source, deal size, and a lead’s current location in the pipeline. For more on sales pipelines, check out this infographic.

Read the full article at: www.salesforce.com