大麻 - Marijuana, Japanese Sacred Herb
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大麻 - Marijuana, Japanese Sacred Herb
米国 マリファナ 株 投資家 & アヤワスカ ・ シャーマン がお届けする The latest News for Marijuana / 最新 大麻 ニュース / マリファナ株 ニュース from all over the world including 420 Marijuana Stocks and Investments News. Also please access at http://bit.ly/tblr_shinji |  http://bit.ly/StTw_shinji【左側 Scoop.it から優良サイトとして ゴールド・メダル 獲得です】
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新産業創出シンポジウム産業用大麻の可能性を探る 『日本人が大人になる時』 武田邦彦 教授(中部大学)講演

産業クラスター研究会オホーツク 大麻 プロジェクト 提供
北海道 北見 麻プロジェクト 製作 2009年2月24日
 (全4巻 トータル時間 : 1:15:14)

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以下は個別リンク  :
1/4 新産業:大麻プロジェクト:講演『日本人が大人になる時』

2/4 新産業:大麻プロジェクト:講演『日本人が大人になる時』

3/4 新産業:大麻プロジェクト:講演『日本人が大人になる時』

4/4 新産業:大麻プロジェクト:講演『日本人が大人になる時』

● 武田邦彦 教授 (中部大学) ブログ 『随想 大麻』

Shinji's comment, February 21, 2016 9:01 AM
@相良俊輔 様 今気が付きました。メッセージありがとうございます。今後もよろしくね。
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Monsanto and Bayer are Maneuvering to Take Over the Cannabis Industry

Monsanto and Bayer are Maneuvering to Take Over the Cannabis Industry | 大麻 - Marijuana, Japanese Sacred Herb | Scoop.it
Phillip Schneider - The race is on to protect cannabis seed from the world’s most hated company.
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【陰謀論】モンサントとバイエルの最凶合併でマリファナ種子独占か? 「遺伝子組換え大麻」ビジネスの裏にロックフェラー

【陰謀論】モンサントとバイエルの最凶合併でマリファナ種子独占か? 「遺伝子組換え大麻」ビジネスの裏にロックフェラー | 大麻 - Marijuana, Japanese Sacred Herb | Scoop.it







 オルタナティブ系メディア「Collective Evolution」によると、医療業界ビッグ4に君臨するバイエルに買われることを選択したモンサントの本音は、「今後は医療という大義名分に乗っかって、ビッグ4の世界市場の支配力を使いながら、今まで以上に幅広く大麻ビジネスをしたい」というものだという。さらにモンサントの背後には、陰謀論界隈で有名なあの「ロックフェラー一族」がいるという事実もこの合併の“不気味さ”に拍車をかけている。




さらに、このMiracle-GroはHawthorneと業務提携を結び、Hawthorneを表立たせる形でBotanicare、Gavita、General Hydroponicsというオーガニック市場に強い3社を買い取らせた。  


 「Collective Evolution」によると、Miracle-GroのCEO 、ジム・ハーゲドルン氏は「5億円をこの事業につぎ込むべきです。こんな大きなビジネスチャンスは前代未聞ですよ」と周囲を説得し、「大麻ビジネスが巨大ブームに化ける足音を聞き逃すべきではない」との姿勢を示しているという。  



これは、かなり議論を呼びそうだ。  実際に、こうした海外のサイトでさえ次のように締めくくっている。 「冷酷な商習慣を優先する企業に対し、消費者が声を上げていくことが必要だ。大麻が売れるかどうか、そのカギを握るのはモンサントでもバイエルでもなく、購買を決める消費者なのだ。消費者の力で、この大麻産業を食い止めるべきだ」 (文=鮎沢明)

参考:「Collective Evolution」、ほか

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JT、ロシア4位たばこ会社買収 1900億円、シェア4割に - 共同通信

JT、ロシア4位たばこ会社買収 1900億円、シェア4割に - 共同通信 | 大麻 - Marijuana, Japanese Sacred Herb | Scoop.it



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緑内障、症状が出た時には視神経の半分死滅 自覚症状前の早期発見が鍵 (時事通信)

緑内障、症状が出た時には視神経の半分死滅 自覚症状前の早期発見が鍵 (時事通信) | 大麻 - Marijuana, Japanese Sacred Herb | Scoop.it

緑内障、症状が出た時には視神経の半分死滅 自覚症状前の早期発見が鍵 3/25(日) 17:02配信 




 世界緑内障連盟と世界緑内障患者連盟が主体となり、08年から啓発のためのイベントである「世界緑内障週間」(18年は3月11~17日)を行っている。日本緑内障学会はこれに合わせ、国内のランドマークとなる施設を緑にライトアップする「ライトアップ in グリーン運動」を展開、名古屋市では学会と名古屋市立大学病院アイセンター、名古屋ウエストライオンズクラブの共催で、複合施設「オアシス21」などで実施された。小椋氏はこのイベントについて「残念ながら、緑内障に関する基本的な認識に欠ける人も多い。啓蒙(けいもう)が最大の目的だ」と開催の理由を説明した。



点眼薬は3種類まで  治療はまず薬物療法で、点眼薬から始める。内服薬を併用するケースもあるが、副作用を招く恐れがある。小椋氏は「1種類の点眼薬から開始し、効き目がなければ、2種類、3種類と増やしていく。ここ数年で良い薬が登場し、選択肢も増えた」とした上で、「患者の立場を考えれば、3種類が限度だろう。1日数回の点眼を、一生続けなければならないのだから。誤った考えで治ると思っている場合は、特につらいだろう」と語る。  


Shinji's insight:
緑内障 / 緑内障、症状が出た時には視神経の半分死滅 自覚症状前の早期発見が鍵 (時事通信) 

スマフォ & PCの時代、緑内障には絶えずご注意を! 



参考 : FB page

 緑内障社長の目に良い日記 / 緑内障フレンドネットワーク / 一般社団法人)緑内障フレンド・ネットワーク / 自律神経・緑内障・アトピーでお悩みならひなた整体院 / 緑内障の最新治療ー失明からあなたを守るー / Good News for 緑内障/青光眼 / 岡田クリニック眼科・緑内障・糖尿病 | 神戸三宮 / 五枢会ワンデイセミナー 緑内障の鍼灸治療
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Acquisitions and Growth Expand in Canadian Cannabis Market

Acquisitions and Growth Expand in Canadian Cannabis Market | 大麻 - Marijuana, Japanese Sacred Herb | Scoop.it

Acquisitions and Growth Expand in Canadian Cannabis Market

Mar 08, 2018, 08:30 ET

NEW YORK, March 8, 2018 /PRNewswire/ --

CannabisNewsWire Editorial Coverage: 

The first wave of companies to enter the Canadian cannabis industry were grounded in medical marijuana, which was legalized in 2001. As the country prepares for legalized adult recreational-use this summer, new recreational brands are joining the scene, and many companies rooted in medicinal cannabis are taking action to participate in this second wave of the Canadian market. With its strong branding and modern store design, Choom Holdings, Inc. (CSE: CHOO) (OTC: CHOOF) (CHOOF Profile) is branded to appeal to the Canadian adult consumer ready to experience the cannabis lifestyle. Aurora Cannabis, Inc. (TSX: APH) (OTC: APHQF) is making strategic investments to establish footing in the recreational sector, while OrganiGram Holdings, Inc (TSX-V: OGI) (OTC: OGRMF) is taking measures to increase its production capacity ahead of a surge in product demand. Supreme Cannabis Company, Inc (TSX-V: FIRE) (OTC: SPRWF) has entered into multimillion-dollar agreements to supply cannabis to retail-oriented companies, and in Quebec, Hydropothecary Corp. (TSX-V: THCX) is expanding its greenhouse capacity to potentially increase its cannabis production to 30x its current volume.

Highs Coming for Canadian Cannabis

As established companies get serious about brand expansion, supply agreements, and potential retail revenues, investments within Canada's cannabis sector are soaring. The industry saw $1.2 billion investments in January alone - a 600 percent increase over the previous year - setting an incredible pace for continued growth. Currently, the State of California is the largest legal cannabis market in the world. With a population nearly as large as California's and an influx of cannabis capital, Canada is on track to potentially become one of the world's largest recreational-use markets. The country's combined medicinal and recreational market size is expected to reach $6 billion by the year 2021, surpassing the value of its whiskey and spirits industry.

While the Canadian cannabis industry has found impressive success with medicinal marijuana in recent years, a different approach will be needed to target recreational consumers. Cannabis producers that recognize this tremendous potential are pursuing investments in recreational brands that appeal to the retail market. One of Canada's most recognizable cannabis producers, Aphria, Inc. (TSX: APH) (OTCQB: APHQF), recently shelled out $230 million to acquire recreational brand Broken Coast - one of many M&A deals within the burgeoning industry.

A Relaxed Brand for a Relaxing Product

One of the new companies looking to stake a claim in the recreational market is Choom Holdings, Inc. (CSE: CHOO) (OTCQB: CHOOF). Choom is based in British Columbia, though its hip, modern brand has been designed around the tropical, relaxed ambiance of Hawaii. The company's name, "Choom", and style invoke Hawaiian culture, in particular easy days on the beach and in the countryside enjoying a casual atmosphere that connects with relaxation, which fittingly is one of the main appeals of cannabis. The company's name, Choom, which means "to smoke marijuana" - comes from a slang word used by a fun-loving group of friends (including former U.S. President Barack Obama) who grew up together in Hawaii during the 1970s.

This relaxed, friendly and informal approach to selling cannabis is designed to tap into a younger market with socially liberal values and disposal income to spare, and differs radically from the marketing focus of medical marijuana companies. The look and feel more closely resembles a food or alcoholic beverage brand, evoking warm feelings instead of healing/medicinal properties, which are the focus of established brands. In short, it's exactly the sort of approach the recreational cannabis industry will need.

Moving forward, the advantage in the legal cannabis sector seems likely to go to companies such as Choom, which are able to innovate with their branding, creating appealing lifestyle choices. Strict limitations on advertising cannabis will prevent the big medical marijuana players from using their financial clout to dominate the market through saturation advertising, which will create a space for young brands such Choom to grow via agile, modern techniques where traditional approaches aren't an option.

From Seed to Sale

Choom appears to have another market advantage with its vertical integration. The business has a seed-to-sale model that covers the whole cannabis pipeline, from growing and processing the plants to selling the final product in its own stores. This control over the entire business process allows the company to maximize efficiencies and ensure integration along the supply chain.

This advantage starts in the growing facilities, where Choom will fully oversee the growth of carefully crafted strains of cannabis. Existing facilities are planned for Vernon and Chemainus, Canada, to ensure that the company is prepared for the market as soon as possible. Choom is refitting both facilities, a process scheduled to be complete by July, with more than 13,000 square feet of growing space in planning.

Choom has announced a clear plan for its move into this market. With the Canadian cannabis market expected to see dramatic growth in early stages, the company has capacity to expand as needed. A second phase of expansion is in place for both facilities, which will significantly increase the growing space and allow for doubling crop yields by early 2019.

At the sale end of this supply chain are Choom's dispensaries, which are designed with a clean, stylish, and modern feel, much like a more relaxed version of an Apple store, a favorite of millennials and those with disposable income. These stores have been envisioned to appeal to two different but important market sectors. One is existing cannabis users, who will be looking for more convenient ways to buy their product once the law changes. The other is the group of "curious customers," who weren't willing to use cannabis while it was illegal but are interested in trying it now. Choom's relaxing retail space is designed to draw in customers from both sides, quickly building up a strong high street brand.

Preparing for Change

To power further growth, the company also recently completed a financing initiative, exceeding expectations and raising CAD $2.7 million (http://cnw.fm/AkT9x). The funds are being invested in advancing the company's development strategy, as well as for growth and acquisitions.

Having recently released the retail design for its dispensaries (http://cnw.fm/DIl3r), Choom is readying those facilities ready for legalization as well. And with the official launch of its retail program, the company has created the opportunity to develop a chain of branded cannabis dispensaries across Canada (http://cnw.fm/jqn8I).  

"Choom is using design and retail strategies that have worked successfully at some of the most profitable storefronts in the country. We are telling our Choom story with our stores and will elevate the concept of a high-quality product though our new retail environments, and we're inviting others to join us," Choom president and CEO Chris Bogart stated in the press release.

As the legal cannabis market prepares to open in Canada, Choom appears to have all the pieces in place to create a national premium recreation brand.

A Sector in Waiting

As the creation of Canada's legal recreational cannabis sector approaches, other companies are also preparing for the change.

One of Canada's biggest cannabis producers, Aurora Cannabis (TSX: APH) (OTCQB: APHQF), is investing in a range of related companies to set itself up for expansion into the recreational sector. The Vancouver-based organization has invested in The Green Organic Dutchman, a company that produces farm grown, organic, pesticide-free medical cannabis in small batches using all natural, organic craft growing principles. It has also teamed up with Liquor Stores NA Ltd. to convert existing retail outlets into cannabis retail stores.

Another licensed producer of medical marijuana, OrganiGram Holdings (TSX-V: OGI) (OTCQB: OGRMF), recently received an expanded cultivation license from Health Canada, enabling the company to move forward with its expansion strategy that would increase current capacity from approximately 5,200 kg/year to an estimated 16,000 kg/year. Its longer-term plan is to increase production to 65,000 kg/year over the next two years.

Supreme Cannabis Company (TSX-V: FIRE) (OTC: SPRWF) has made its mission to grow sustainable cannabis companies to cater to the growing recreational market. To this end, it has invested in late-stage ACMPR applicant company BlissCo, and has agreed to provide cannabis to that company through its 7ACRES subsidiary. 7ACRES will also supply cannabis to Namaste subsidiary, Cannmart.

Quebec-based Hydropothecary (TSX-V: THCX) has signed a letter of intent with Société des alcools du Québec (SAQ) to supply 20,000 kg of cannabis to Quebec's recreational cannabis market in its first year of operation. This recent announcement follows news in December that the company added 78 acres of land adjacent to its existing 65-acre facility, and that it is working on a 1 million-square-foot greenhouse designed to increase its production to 108,000 kg per year, 30 times the current capacity.

Based on all forecasts, Canada's cannabis market is set for significant expansion in 2018. New actors and existing medical companies alike are preparing to seize this opportunity through production, distribution, and retail growth. With a clearly defined growth strategy, Choom Holdings is demonstrating its intention to rapidly become a recognizable national brand.

For more information on Choom Holdings, please visit Choom Holdings, Inc. (CSE: CHOO) (OTCQB: CHOOF).

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See Inside the Himalayan Villages That Grow Cannabis

See Inside the Himalayan Villages That Grow Cannabis | 大麻 - Marijuana, Japanese Sacred Herb | Scoop.it
The plant is native but illegal in India, and mountain farmers rely on its cultivation.
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Do You Need A Degree To Work In Marijuana?

Do You Need A Degree To Work In Marijuana? | 大麻 - Marijuana, Japanese Sacred Herb | Scoop.it
As commercial cannabis grows in the U.S., legal pot companies are on the hunt for workers with advanced degrees, especially biology, chemistry and business. In fact, Yale School of Management will host the largest legal business of cannabis conference ever held by any university later this week.
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The brain link between coffee and cannabis

The brain link between coffee and cannabis | 大麻 - Marijuana, Japanese Sacred Herb | Scoop.it

The brain link between coffee and cannabis 

Published Friday 16 March 2018 By Tim Newman Fact checked by Jasmin Collier 

Coffee is a complex substance and — as a new study finds — its metabolic interactions are equally complex. Surprisingly, coffee influences the same regions of the brain as cannabis.

A new study finds an intriguing relationship between cannabis and coffee.
Although studies looking at coffee's health benefits — or lack thereof — appear to be published on an almost daily basis, its true impact on health is still poorly understood.

Some studies have found health benefits, some have concluded that it might reduce mortality risk, and others drew no solid conclusions.

This confusion is due to several factors, and one is the difficulty in separating cause and effect in large, population-based studies. For example, someone who drinks a lot of coffee might also sleep less, smoke more tobacco, drink less water, or work unsociable hours. These factors muddy the statistical waters.

Also, coffee is an incredibly complex beast; it contains more than 1,000 aroma compounds, levels of which vary depending on the type of coffee bean and how it is brewed.

The metabolites of coffee
Recently, a group of researchers from Northwestern University in Chicago, IL, took a detailed look at the impact of coffee consumption on our internal chemistry. Their findings were published this week in the Journal of Internal Medicine.

The 3-month study involved 47 people living in Finland. In the first month, the participants drank no coffee at all; in the second, they consumed four cups every day; and in the third, they drank eight cups each day.

Cannabis intoxication may be stopped with anti-obesity drug
Researchers may have found an antidote to cannabinoid intoxication.
Using advanced profiling techniques, lead author Marilyn Cornelis and her team checked the levels of more than 800 metabolites in the blood after each stage. Metabolites are chemicals produced during metabolism. They are generally small molecules and carry out a range of functions both within and between cells.

The scientists found that with increased coffee consumption, blood metabolites involved in the endocannabinoid system dropped off. This is the system that gives cannabis its recreational and medical effects.

Interestingly, the effect of coffee consumption on the endocannabinoid system was the opposite to cannabis use: endocannabinoid neurotransmitters decreased with the consumption of eight cups per day, but levels are increased by cannabis use.

Endocannabinoids may answer queries
The endocannabinoid system helps to modulate a whole host of metabolic activities — including blood pressure, cognition, addiction, immunity, appetite, sleep, and glucose metabolism. So, if coffee influences this overarching system, it will open up many new research avenues.

"These are entirely new pathways by which coffee might affect health," notes Cornelis. "Now, we want to delve deeper and study how these changes affect the body."

For instance, the endocannabinoid system is believed to influence eating behavior. As Cornelis says, this could help to explain "the link between cannabis use and the munchies." Conversely, coffee has been considered a potential weight loss aid and may reduce type 2 diabetes risk.

"This is often thought to be due to caffeine's ability to boost fat metabolism or the glucose-regulating effects of polyphenols (plant-derived chemicals)."

Marilyn Cornelis
"Our new findings linking coffee to endocannabinoids," she adds, "offer alternative explanations worthy of further study."

Drinking more coffee was also found to increase metabolites from the androsteroid system. This infers that coffee speeds up the excretion of steroids. And, because steroids are involved in a number of conditions — notably cancers — coffee could, potentially, play a part here, too.

This study was the first to have demonstrated such a depth of metabolic interaction between coffee and the endocannabinoid system. No doubt these new learnings will form the foundations of future research into a range of conditions.

However, more work will be needed to understand whether the observed changes in metabolites were due to caffeine or one of the myriad other compounds in those cups of delicious black gold.

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「高宮布」復活の産着 : 地域 : 読売新聞(YOMIURI ONLINE)

「高宮布」復活の産着 : 地域 : 読売新聞(YOMIURI ONLINE) | 大麻 - Marijuana, Japanese Sacred Herb | Scoop.it
愛荘 麻の手績み糸使い







2018年03月17日 Copyright © The Yomiuri Shimbun
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Innovative Industrial Properties Declares First Quarter 2018 Dividends

Innovative Industrial Properties, Inc. (the “Company”) (NYSE:IIPR), the leading provider of creative real estate capital solutions to the medical-use cannabis

the medical-use cannabis industry, announced today that its board of directors has declared a first quarter 2018 dividend of $0.25 per share of common stock. The dividend is equivalent to an annualized dividend of $1.00 per common share, and is the fourth consecutive quarterly dividend payable to common stockholders declared since the Company completed its initial public offering in December 2016.

Additionally, the Company announced today that its board of directors has declared a regular quarterly dividend of $0.5625 per share of the Company's 9.00% Series A Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock. The dividends are payable on April 16, 2018 to stockholders of record at the close of business on March 29, 2018.

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This Is Where To Find The Most Available Cannabis Industry Jobs

This Is Where To Find The Most Available Cannabis Industry Jobs | 大麻 - Marijuana, Japanese Sacred Herb | Scoop.it

Lifestyle #BigBusiness  MAR 12, 2018 @ 06:00 AM 2,197 
This Is Where To Find The Most Available Cannabis Industry Jobs

It’s Monday. That dastardly alarm clock starts screaming at the crack of dawn to let you know that it is time to get up for work. You hit to snooze button – And I mean you really let it have it – before pulling the covers up over the top of your head to ponder, and quite possibly even dread, the weight of the day ahead. By the time the alarm chirps a second time, the impending doom has fully infiltrated your psyche and begins trying to convince you that if you quit that measly job today, you’ll be able to find a better one within a week. You hit the snooze again, giving yourself approximately ten extra minutes to decide whether to climb out of bed and put on pants or call up the big boss man and say, “Hey man, it’s been real, but I no longer wish to work for you.” Your version might contain more colorful language. But for the sake of this article, lets keep it classy.

At that point you realize a proper head change might help provide you with the enthusiasm needed to go from “hating” your place of employment to tolerating it for at least another eight hours. You pick up the bowl off the nightstand, which you loaded the night before with a nice strain of cannabis, and engage in a much-needed wake and bake ritual. This is your Hail Mary. Otherwise, you might actually phone that boss of yours in the next couple of minutes and tell him to “take this job and shove it.” You take a couple of nice hits and consider once again the act of getting out of bed. All of sudden an epiphany strikes – eureka! “If only I could get a job working in the cannabis industry,” you tell yourself. “I would never be unhappy with the daily grind ever again.”

This situation is not uncommon. A 2017 Gallup poll found that 85 percent of the American workforce “hates” their job. Alongside the complaint of not earning enough money, most workers argue that their current position leaves them overworked and unfulfilled. In other words, they feel just like you do.

But the cannabis industry is not only providing people with interesting career options, it pays more than the average salary. It is for this reason that some restaurants in legal marijuana states are reportedly having difficulty finding and keeping employees. After all, why settle for minimum wage to wash dishes all day when the starting wages at some cultivation centers is between $12-$15 per hour? What’s more is prospective cannabis industry employees are not required to have any formal education or training to secure these new positions. They just have to be in the right place at the right time. But where is that exactly?

Marijuana is now legal in well over half the nation. Twenty-nine states and the District of Columbia have legalized for medicinal use, while eight others have ended marijuana prohibition altogether. At a time when some traditional industries are facing downsizing and extinction, the cannabis industry is just getting started – and it’s showing no signs of a slow down. In fact, some of the latest data From New Frontier shows there will be more cannabis industry jobs available in the next couple of year than the combination of the government and manufacturing sector. It is a possible a quarter of a million new jobs will be filled by 2020 to keep the multi-billion dollar cannabis industry afloat.

According to ZipRecruiter, cannabis industry jobs are easier to come by in some areas than others. But positions in this field are becoming more widespread. Last year represented the biggest gain in cannabis employment since the walls of prohibition started to crumble. Interestingly, the website says hundreds of new positions are being posted each quarter for workers interested in a career in the cannabis trade. Already in 2018, the cannabis job market is off to a lunatic start. This mostly stems from the recent launch of California’s recreational marijuana market. But there are 10 cities in the nation where workers can find the most opportunity in the business of growing and selling weed. Here's where you might have the best luck:

Top 10 Cities To Find Work In The Cannabis Industry

Denver, Colorado
Los Angeles, California
San Francisco, California
Seattle, Washington
Portland, Oregon
Sacramento, California
Spokane, Washington
Miami, Florida
Chicago, Illinois
Boston, Massachusetts 

The marijuana job market is presently out pacing other leading fields, like tech and healthcare. There are now in upwards of 230,000 people collecting a paycheck for their work in legal cannabis. A recent report from Arcview Market Research predicts there will be 400,000 cannabis workers by 2021..........

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Green Thumb to Open 16th RISE Dispensary in Florida

The company’s newest medical cannabis retail facility is located in Wesley Chapel, a suburb in the Tampa Bay area.
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神事用大麻、三重県が栽培を容認へ 盗難対策など条件:

神事用大麻、三重県が栽培を容認へ 盗難対策など条件: | 大麻 - Marijuana, Japanese Sacred Herb | Scoop.it

神事用大麻、三重県が栽培を容認へ 盗難対策など条件









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【朝日新聞】スナック菓子・ブラウニー … 多様化する大麻、乱用の懸念

【朝日新聞】スナック菓子・ブラウニー … 多様化する大麻、乱用の懸念 | 大麻 - Marijuana, Japanese Sacred Herb | Scoop.it

伊藤和也 2018年3月28日17時11分








 《国立精神・神経医療研究センターの舩田(ふなだ)正彦室長の話》 リキッドはもはや大麻というより人工の薬物に近い。幻覚成分が濃縮されており、通常では考えられない影響を心身にもたらすリスクがある。菓子類は抵抗感が薄いまま安易に手を出してしまいやすく、より作用の強いものを求めるきっかけになり得る。大麻は依存性があり、やめられなくなって意識障害や認知機能の低下を引き起こす恐れがあるので注意が必要だ。

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What Is CBN?

What Is CBN? | 大麻 - Marijuana, Japanese Sacred Herb | Scoop.it
Among the hundreds of known cannabinoids out there, THC and CBD are two you're probably most familiar with. CBN (cannabinol), on the other hand, is a
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VIDEO - A Stunning Small Home Made From Hemp

VIDEO - A Stunning Small Home Made From Hemp | 大麻 - Marijuana, Japanese Sacred Herb | Scoop.it
This beautiful small family home has a very special story to tell. Designed by architect Michael Leung and his wife Tiffany for their young family, the 60m2 (646ft2) house is actually constructed from hemp. The couple chose to use hempcrete for their home after searching for healthy, non-toxic building materials.  Hemp is an incredibly versatile pant, that unfortunately has been unfairly demonised over recent years. Essentially hemp is a low THC version of the Cannabis sativa plant, now colloquially referred to as marijuana. … →
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トランプ大統領は、別の反マリファナ議員をセッション司法長官と取り替えることを考慮 / Trump Considers Replacing Sessions With Another Marijuana Opponent

トランプ大統領は、別の反マリファナ議員をセッション司法長官と取り替えることを考慮 / Trump Considers Replacing Sessions With Another Marijuana Opponent | 大麻 - Marijuana, Japanese Sacred Herb | Scoop.it
President Trump is reportedly weighing a plan to fire U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and potentially replace him with Scott Pruitt, who currently leads the Environmental Protection Agency. Marijuana industry operators and consumers might initially breathe a sigh of relief at the prospect of Sessions leaving the Justice Department, since it is difficult to imagine …
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Pot Grower Green Organic Raises C$100 Million in IPO - Bloomberg

Pot Grower Green Organic Raises C$100 Million in IPO - Bloomberg | 大麻 - Marijuana, Japanese Sacred Herb | Scoop.it

Pot Grower Green Organic Raises C$100 Million in IPO
By Scott Deveau

2018年3月23日 23:45 GMT+5:30

Equity raise comes in at the top end of the expected range
Green Organic Dutchman sells shares at C$3.65 a piece
Medical marijuana grower Green Organic Dutchman Holdings Ltd. raised C$100 million ($78 million) in its initial public offering, according to a person familiar with the matter.

The raise by the Mississauga, Ontario-based pot producer came in at the high end of the previously disclosed range of C$75 million to C$100 million. The company priced its shares at C$3.65 apiece and is expected to begin trading next week in Toronto.

The sale was several times oversubscribed and the over-allotment is also expected to exercised, bringing total proceeds to about C$115 million, said the person, who asked not to be identified because the matter is private.

A spokesman for the company couldn’t be reached for comment.

The IPO follows the January listing by pot producer MedReleaf Corp., which fell 22 percent on its first day of trading. That was the largest decline in 16 years for a Canadian IPO larger than C$100 million.

Green Organic’s IPO was led by Canaccord Genuity Corp. and PI Financial Corp. The company intends to use the proceeds from the offering to fund its ongoing operations, according to a a regulatory filing. It said that will include completing its facilities in Hamilton, Ontario, and Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec, as well as funding various licensing and approvals, it said.

Quotes from this Article

LEAF:CN Toronto MedReleaf Corp 17.76CAD

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Congress Protects Medical Marijuana From Jeff Sessions In New Federal Spending Bill

Congress Protects Medical Marijuana From Jeff Sessions In New Federal Spending Bill | 大麻 - Marijuana, Japanese Sacred Herb | Scoop.it
Medical marijuana patients and providers in a growing number of states will be safe from federal prosecution until at least September under a new congressional spending bill.
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トランプ米大統領は先日、ティラーソン国務長官を解任。次の解任はジェフ・セッションズ司法長官か? 彼もあまりよく思われていないからね。
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Donald Trump's Own Polling Company Finds Massive Support for Marijuana

Donald Trump's Own Polling Company Finds Massive Support for Marijuana | 大麻 - Marijuana, Japanese Sacred Herb | Scoop.it
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ヨーロッパの産業用大麻のTHC比率の歴史的推移:European Industrial Hemp Association Calls For "Rational" THC Limits

ヨーロッパの産業用大麻のTHC比率の歴史的推移:European Industrial Hemp Association Calls For "Rational" THC Limits | 大麻 - Marijuana, Japanese Sacred Herb | Scoop.it

●ヨーロッパ市場で過去をさかのぼればTHCの比率は0.5パーセント → 0.3パーセント → 0.2パーセントまで規制は低下傾向。

殆どのCBDオイルは産業用大麻を利用しているわけで、ただでさえ0.2パーセントのTHCではアントラージュ効果も期待できないわけで、その産業用大麻もアメリカ CNN で医療大麻の利用価値として評判になった番組 Weed で紹介された、スタンリー兄弟 開発の てんかん治療用の 低THC & 高CBD シャーロットウエブ CBD オイル の品質とは月と鼈。

巷に出回る産業用大麻から取り出した、カスな副業としてのTHC 無の殆どのCBDオイル類はお話にならない品物。

European Industrial Hemp Association Calls For “Rational” THC Limits

By Gillian Jalimnson - March 12, 2018

Industrial hemp growers in Europe have to contend with a THC limit of just .2 percent – it’s holding farmers back and their industry body has had enough.

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is a psychoactive cannabinoid. Unlike marijuana and various strains of medical cannabis, industrial hemp is naturally low in THC. However, the fact it has any at all has made it target for strict regulations in many countries as to how much it can contain. Go over the limit and crops can be destroyed and in some cases, the farmer may be prosecuted.

THC limits were placed on industrial hemp in Europe in 1984. From then until 1987, the maximum limit was set at 0.5%. After that, it was reduced to 0.3%; which is a fairly standard in many countries, including the USA and much of Australia.

However, the reductions didn’t end there. In 1999, the limit was lowered again from 0.3% to 0.2%; supposedly to discourage the cultivation of illicit marijuana in industrial hemp fields.

It was a strange move given it wasn’t supported by evidence and the fact that 0.3% hemp looks exactly the same as 0.2% hemp (as does .5% and even higher). Industrial hemp generally is a very different looking plant to marijuana.

These increasingly tight regulations have restricted the choice of varieties European farmers can cultivate and puts them at a significant competitive disadvantage. With hemp-based food popularity skyrocketing and the number of regions now permitting hemp cultivation quickly growing, the EU needs to move with the times (and the evidence).

“That is why we are asking the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Member States to reverse the tightening up of 1999 and to restore the European hemp industry’s full competitiveness,” states the European Industrial Hemp Association (EHIA).

A full history of the regulation of industrial hemp THC limits in the EU can be downloaded here.

Those in the European sector would be feeling particularly envious of their colleagues in Western Australia. Last month we mentioned the state’s government announced it would lift the THC limit from below 0.35 per cent to 1 percent. Even at the 1% level, industrial hemp has no recreational value.

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Is Youtube Turning Its Back On Cannabis –

Is Youtube Turning Its Back On Cannabis – | 大麻 - Marijuana, Japanese Sacred Herb | Scoop.it
Community for cannabis – connect with likeminded people
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Innovative Industrial Properties declares $0.25 dividend - Innovative Industrial Properties (NYSE:IIPR)

Innovative Industrial Properties declares $0.25 dividend - Innovative Industrial Properties (NYSE:IIPR) | 大麻 - Marijuana, Japanese Sacred Herb | Scoop.it

Innovative Industrial Properties declares $0.25 dividend
Mar. 15, 2018 7:21 AM ET|

About: Innovative In... (IIPR) 

Innovative Industrial Properties (NYSE:IIPR) declares $0.25/share quarterly dividend, in line with previous.

Forward yield 3.59%

Payable April 16; for shareholders of record March 29; ex-div March 28.

Now read: Marijuana Grow House REIT May Have Its Ups And Downs, But It Has High Side Potential »

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Top Marijuana Stocks - StockTwits

Top Marijuana Stocks - StockTwits | 大麻 - Marijuana, Japanese Sacred Herb | Scoop.it

Top Marijuana Stocks   Author: StockTwits

A wave of legalization is sweeping the nation, and these marijuana (and tobacco) stocks could reap some high rewards.

In this list: 


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