Why We Must Teach Our Teachers Computational Thinking - The Tech Edvocate | KILUVU | Scoop.it
Computational thinking isn’t new. Three decades ago, Seymour Papert introduced computational thinking when he developed the concept of bricolage, which is the construction of something new from many sources.

He rightly understood the significance of computers, and with computational thinking, he surmised that they would not only be an integral part of our educational process, but we would need to acquire new ways for learning when using computers.

In essence, the bricoleur builds knowledge by engaging in a process of building precise steps that encourage the construction of knowledge. Papert recognized that over time, the learner’s theory may change as the result of refining his or her responses in any of the four stages of computational thinking.

Even before Papert’s work, however, educational visionaries insisted that the way to solve problems in any field was by adopting sequential problem-solving methods, which became algorithmic or computational thinking.

In short, we use computational thinking (CT) to solve problems.

Via John Evans