Effective teachers for all classrooms? It’s time for teacherpreneurs - Global Education & Skills Forum | KILUVU | Scoop.it
Effective teachers for all classrooms? It’s time for teacherpreneurs

Education conversations around the globe are focused on how to recruit, evaluate, and develop effective teachers. And for good reason. A steady drip of empirical evidence has shown that teachers are the most crucial in-school factor in student learning.

But in many cases education policy leaders have fixated on firing bad teachers and recruiting better ones. They have paid far less attention to spreading the expertise of the many effective teachers already teaching—or to providing them with opportunities to lead without leaving their classrooms and profession.

The Teacherpreneur

Enter the teacherpreneur—who teaches students regularly but has the time, space, and reward to incubate and execute his or her own ideas. Imagine a public school teacher who has the respect (and income potential) of an endowed chair at a research university and whose pedagogical and policy expertise drives innovative, collaborative projects that spread effective teaching practices.

There are at least six sound reasons for this bold brand of teacher leadership:

Researchers have proven that students learn more when their teachers collaborate in deep and authentic ways;
Principals alone cannot address demands of 21st-century learning and accountability;
Top-performing nations invest in teachers as leaders;
The most effective teacher evaluation systems are driven by master teachers;
Teachers trust their teaching colleagues more than anyone else to help them improve their practice; and
Large percentages of teachers are interested in leading without leaving the classroom.


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Via Gust MEES