Leadership challenges growing faster than skills | KILUVU | Scoop.it

Since the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan, Daiichi is still dealing with radioactive waste left behind. Less well known is the crisis at Fukushima Daini, a nearby sister plant, which also suffered severe damage, but averted meltdown. 

Faced with a crisis in a volatile environment, where none of the usual rules applied, the site superintendent, Naohiro Masuda, and the rest of Daini’s 400 employees charted their way through the chaos as models of adaptive leadership: standing in the truth and uncertainty of the situation, creating a sense of safety so as not to rush into reaction, together continuously gathering/sharing information to make sense of the situation, making and revising plans openly and adapting as the information changed.

While an extreme example of leadership in a crisis situation, the Fukushima story illustrates that leadership matters and can be a great advantage for an organisation.

Via Sally Brownbill