I am using an old laptop. How can I speed up its performance? | KILUVU | Scoop.it
Hi,there are 11 easy ways to speed up computer,you can check
1.Your Computer Has Been Running for a Long Time without a Reboot 
 After a long-time running, your computer may generate lots of junk files, like caches and random access memory (RAM), which makes it harder for operating system to locate needed files. However, rebooting may clear all or a part of such files so as to speed up your computer. In addition, rebooting makes it possible to detect Windows update or software update. With the latest version of system or program, our computer is always running smoothly.

2.Boot Partition Is in Low Disk Space 
 To deal with this issue, users had better enlarge the boot partition rather than reparation hard disk during reinstallation. Well then, how can we extend a partition without losing data? Firstly, you can try doing it in Windows snap-in Disk Management utility (take Windows 7 for example): right click the Computer icon on desktop, choose Manage, select Disk Management, and right click the boot partition to see whether the Extend Volume feature is available:
3: There Are Many Startup Programs

 With lots of startup apps, our computer will take a long time to boot since all these programs need time to start. In addition, most programs will continue to run after the computer starts successfully, which may eat up our RAM or other resources so as to make the computer run with great efforts.

Via MiniTool Software