BlackHole Will Get More Complex, Android and Mac OS Are Prime Attack Targets | Latest Social Media News |
Attackers have expanded their attacks beyond the Windows platform to include Mac OS X and Android. 27 Percent of All Cybercrime Linked to the ‘Blackhole’ Exploit Kit, Sophos said.


Even though the overall market share for Mac OS X remains small compared to other platforms, the number of Mac threats are growing as more users switch. Flashback, the malware that reportedly infected hundreds of thousands of Apple systems in April was the largest mass attack this year, but it's not the only Mac malware out there. In a typical week, SophosLabs detects 4,900 pieces of OS X malware on Mac computers.


===> In a snapshot of Mac malware detected over a one-week period in August, SophosLab detected various variants of fake antivirus, codecs and Flash player. <===


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Via Gust MEES