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Curated by Gerrit Bes
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from PEOPLE BUILDING!

How to convince people – give people a reason to #follow and #trust you | Noozmag

How to convince people – give people a reason to #follow and #trust you | Noozmag | Latest Social Media News |

People don’t want more information.
They are up to their eyeballs in information.
They want #faith - faith in you, your goals, your #success, in the #story you tell.


says Annette Simmons, author of “Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins”.


How do we reach that people have faith in us?


So easy!


If we show us from our best side, are authentic and trustworthy and give people appreciation and love they will #respect us, too. What we give comes back to us! The seeds we sow we will harvest one day! Life is a process of giving and taking.


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from PEOPLE BUILDING!

The Productivity Tricks and Daily Habits of Famous People

The Productivity Tricks and Daily Habits of Famous People | Latest Social Media News |

Famous visionaries often develop a reputation for having a few eccentricities. However, for many people, these small eccentricities are part of a larger group of daily rituals that help them to be at their most productive and prolific. While not all these tips, tricks, and rituals will work for you, they help to shed light on what some of our most beloved cultural icons and historical figures are willing to do in order to stay on top of their demanding workloads.



1. Addicted to Notecards: Vladimir Nabokov used 5- by 8-inch index cards to compose and order the scenes in his novels. This allowed him to experiment with the order of the chapters before transcribing the final manuscript.


2. Slow and Steady: Stephen King has explained that he always writes 10 pages a day, every day of the year (even holidays). His slow and steady approach to project management has ensured that he has a steady stream of new works entering the marketplace, and he is one of the most prolific modern authors working in America today.


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from PEOPLE BUILDING!

The Importance of Prioritization and Time Management

The Importance of Prioritization and Time Management | Latest Social Media News |

If success depends on effective action, effective action depends on the ability to focus your attention where it is needed most, when it is needed most. This is the ability to separate the important from the unimportant, which is a much-needed skill in all walks of life, especially where there are ever-increasing opportunities and distractions.


12 Universal Skills You Need to Succeed at Anything


First, let’s talk a little about ‘time’: There are two types of time, clock time and real-time. In clock time, there are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day and 365 days in a year. All time passes equally. In real-time, all time is relative. Time flies or drags depending on what you’re doing. Time management systems often don’t work because they are designed to manage clock time. You live in real-time. The good news is that real-time is mental. You create it. Anything you create, you can manage.


There are three ways to spend time:

thoughts conversations actions


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from BUSINESS and more!

46 Ways To Start A Business With No Money

46 Ways To Start A Business With No Money | Latest Social Media News |

Most people who want to start their own business don’t have a ton of money laying around and it’s probably one the most common questions I get emailed about: How can I get started without a lot of cash?


Well I’ve put together a list below of the best ideas I’ve heard and personally used. I hope you find it useful!


The three basic strategies to starting a business without much money are:

Delay the normal “business starting” activities like incorporating, hiring, renting office or retail space, etc until AFTER your business has started earning money. This is known as bootstrapping. Doing everything yourself and spending your personal time instead of hiring an expert. (Takes longer but costs less.) Using some neat tricks and little known deals below.


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Via Martin Gysler
Slavica Bogdanov's comment, June 6, 2012 9:06 AM
Great advice as usual. Thanks for posting this!
Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from PEOPLE BUILDING!

10 Simple Truths Smart People Forget

10 Simple Truths Smart People Forget | Latest Social Media News |
Some of the smartest people I know continuously struggle to get ahead because they forget to address a few simple truths that collectively govern our potential to make progress. So here’s a quick reminder:


#1 – Education and intelligence accomplish nothing without action.
It doesn’t matter if you have a genius IQ and a PhD in Quantum Physics, you can’t change anything or make any sort of real-world progress without taking action. There’s a huge difference between knowing how to do something and actually doing it. Knowledge and intelligence are both useless without action. It’s as simple as that. For some practical guidance on taking action, I highly recommend The Now Habit.


#2 – Happiness and success are two different things.
I know an extremely savvy businesswoman who made almost a million dollars online last year. Every entrepreneur I know considers her to be wildly successful. But guess what? A few days ago, out of the blue, she told me that she’s depressed...


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Via Martin Gysler
Slavica Bogdanov's comment, May 26, 2012 9:47 AM
Once again a great one, thanks!
Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from PEOPLE BUILDING!

Connect with Your Creative Writer

Connect with Your Creative Writer | Latest Social Media News |

Do you have to complete a piece of writing but are putting it off? A report, a blog article, or a letter? Are you finding that the moment you sit down to write, your mind seems to go blank? Crap! Writers block! What can you do about it?

Although, the term writers block is popular, this feeling of blockage and mind blanking is not specific to writing, but of any creative feats. Other examples include, brainstorming for a new business, dancing, musical performances, music composition, painting or photography. I’ve personally experienced this during my photography work, blanking out as I stand in front of a client waiting for me for direction. I call these Creative Blocks, where your mind just comes up empty and you feel lost. It’s purely mental.


Through practice and observation, I’ve gotten pretty good at getting past these blank moments, and this article shares some insights for unlocking your creativity. Throughout the article, I will be using writing as the example, but keep in mind that it is equally applicable to any creative activity.


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from BUSINESS and more!

How to Make a Decision

How to Make a Decision | Latest Social Media News |

Last summer, I found myself in a dilemma to make a decision. Amidst my struggle to find fulfillment from the various jobs, I was offered a regular salary and benefits kind of job. Being offered any type of employment after a particularly long dry spell was fantastic, but I was hung up on the fact that it wasn’t how I pictured it — the pay wasn’t great and the industry was one I never thought I’d be in.


I was faced with an important decision: Do I accept the new position and a chance at a little security, or continue searching for something different, something that fit the long laundry list of must-haves I had concocted for my professional life?


Besides everything else, I was most terrified about accepting a position that I wouldn’t be happy in. In fact, a fear of not being happy was a place I operated from often, one I knew had succeeded in keeping me from trying new things.


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from PEOPLE BUILDING!

27 Traits Of Successful People

27 Traits Of Successful People | Latest Social Media News |

Is it really possible to become a successful person in just one day? I actually believe you can become a successful person in just one second.


Why? Because to be a successful person you only have to change your thoughts and start to think like a successful person. Your have to program your brain to respond differently to situations that it was previously refusing.


But how exactly are successful people made and how do they think? I’ve read and studied a lot of books on the subject, as well as experimenting and asking around. The following is list of 27 traits that distinguish successful people from ordinary people. If you take the commitment to apply every day each principle in your life, you’ll start to see amazing results in no time.


They are positive. Successful people don’t let negative events alter their ego. They see the glass half full and not half empty. They are known as the ones who raises positiveness among others. Benefits: other people want to stay with them because they make them feel better. They say yes to everything. They take every opportunity they can. They are not afraid of doing something new, like giving a talk in public. They take everything like a challenge with themselves...


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from PEOPLE BUILDING!

10 Ways to Avoid Brainwashing | Illuminated Mind

10 Ways to Avoid Brainwashing | Illuminated Mind | Latest Social Media News |

If we don’t own our minds, we’re like pawns in a game where we’re not the player. We’re being played. Corporations, governments, advertisers and even religions (oops, I said it) have gone to great lengths to control your mind. Sometimes their tactics are obvious, but most of the time they are downright sneaky.


If we want to ensure that we’re living for ourselves and not serving some corporation’s agenda, we have to put on our mental armor. We have to arm our minds so we can first know when their is an assault on our sovereignty.


Here are 10 tools you can use to avoid brainwashing and retain the ownership of your mind:


1. Decrypt media spin.
The media uses many different tools and angles to sensationalize things that aren’t inherently sensational. “Experts generally agree” can mean a community college professor and “recent surveys find” can mean the polling of 10 people...


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from PEOPLE BUILDING!

Leadership mantra : Possible vs Impossible.

Leadership mantra : Possible vs Impossible. | Latest Social Media News |

Possible is a state of mind!

You have certainly heard, on numerous occasions, people say, “that’s impossible.” What did you do with that? Here lies the difference between success and failure.


If we listen to such people, it is certain that we will abandon. Otherwise, we will continue and put the odds on our side to make things possible.


We live in a world where pessimism and lack of courage is part of the lives of many people. It’s what makes me say, that here we see clearly the difference between a leader and a follower.


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Via Martin Gysler
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