iPad Apps to Support Learners Who Struggle with Reading and/or Writing | Leveling the playing field with apps | Scoop.it

On November 7th, Paul Hamilton will be presenting an ISTE Webinar on iPad apps that can be used by learners of all ages to overcome barriers to reading and writing.


"Some of the accessibility features built into iOS 5 will also be covered. Research has established that each individual learns uniquely, so these tools can be used to great effect with a wide range of learners, not just those identified with specific “learning disabilities”. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) will serve as the pedagogical framework for the presentation. Almost all of the apps to be shared are either free or inexpensive. In addition to apps that offer effective text-to-speech and multiple options for text-input, the presentation will explore multimedia apps that give learners alternative ways of showing what they know. Some of the apps to be presented were shared by the presenter in a Feb. 21, 2012 blog post, 10 Apps for Learners Who Struggle with Reading and/or Writing."