‘Speak Selection’ – Convenient Text-to-Speech Built Into iOS5 | Leveling the playing field with apps | Scoop.it

Paul Hamilton writes about Speak Selection, a new feature in iOS5 that offers a TTS tool that can be used by learners who struggle with text.  He also includes how to use the Define within Speak Selection.


"This will read aloud any selected text — in a web article, a text editor, an email, in Twitter, in text messages, or just about anywhere. It isn’t perfect. For example, Speak Selection won’t read in Facebook.


It is worth noting that Define is another helpful feature that is new in iOS5. This is available whether Speak Selection is turned on or not. Both features, however, are made available in exactly the same way. When a single word is selected, you are offered a Define button. When Speak Selection is turned on, ‘Define’ is offered at the same time as ‘Speak’"


Thank you, Paul!