Apps for college/university students with learning disabilities | inov8 Educational Consulting | Leveling the playing field with apps |

Here are a set of apps that inov8 Educational Consulting has reviewed that can help LD students in college in the ares of organization, note taking and research.  Share this far and wide!


"There are many different technologies that can help students with learning disabilities. Most college and university centres for students with disabilities (and sometimes even governments) provide information, accommodations, resources and support with many types of assistive technologies. Software is primarily designed to bypass difficulties associated with reading and writing, and can be excellent options.


There are several new options, however, in the way of apps in the areas of productivity, notetaking, research assistance, and organization that centres may not yet be aware of.


Organizational strategies for students with LDs in college or university is key to success. With a course load, research papers, collaborative assignments and a social life to juggle, college life can often be overwhelming. Effective note-taking, organization and research skills are extremely important. Here are 10 apps that we like in the area of productivity and organization"