Predictable App-Customizable AAC Functions with Social Media Integration | Leveling the playing field with apps |

"Predictable is an exciting text-to-speech application for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. Offering customisable AAC functions with the latest social media integration, Predictable sets a new benchmark."


Using a word prediction engine and switch access, Predictable meets the needs of a wide range of people using AAC including those with MND/ ALS, Cerebral Palsy and people with communication difficulties after a stroke or head injury.


Predictable comes in several languages and features:

• "Easy to use category folders to store quick phrases or prepared messages
• History view with access to last used phrases
• Ability to compose and send emails
• Ability to update Facebook status or send a Tweet
• Ability to send an SMS
• Note pad option – hand write on the screen
• Emoticons – to add laughter, crying or whistling to your message."