VizWiz App - Enabling blind people to recruit sighted workers in real time | Leveling the playing field with apps |

Developed by the Rocheseter Human Computer Interaction, VizWiz is an iPhone (and now an iPad) application aimed at enabling blind people to recruit remote sighted workers to help them with visual problems in nearly real-time.


Users take a picture with their phone, speak a question, and then receive multiple spoken answers. VizWiz is used as a tool to explore human-backed access technology - the idea that access technology would be more reliable and useful if humans could back up fragile (but fast and cheap) automatic approaches. With services like Mechanical Turk, social networks like Facebook and Twitter, and everyone connected at all times on their mobile devices -- the human cloud is ready and waiting; we just need to figure out how to harness them to do useful work!


Did I say, it is FREE!