FBI intent on sniffing out those who leaked possible US Stuxnet role | Libertés Numériques | Scoop.it

Federal investigators in the US are tightening the screws on former senior government officials who might have leaked info about the Stuxnet worm, according to The Washington Post.

Last June, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. started the inquiry into loose lips.

As Naked Security recounts here, the Stuxnet virus was seemingly created by the US, under the regime of President George W. Bush, to target Iran's nuclear facility in Natanz.

The US pulled Israel into the cyber-espionage effort, with stunning results.

Those results included slowing down and speeding up a centrifuge's delicate parts, which resulted in damage so extreme that, according to The New York Times, debris from a damaged centrifuge was laid across the conference table at the White House's Situation Room to demonstrate the malware's potential power.