Machinima Expo 2011 - l Friday Expo programming | Machinimania |

"Ricky Grove:
Our special Friday Expo programming will take place in Second Life with a special screening of all 16 films chosen for the Expo that were shot in Second Life and Open Sim. Following the screening, machinima master tikaf viper will conduct a special class in how to create machinima in Second Life.

We will start the screenings at 12pm pacific. The class starts at 2pm pacific followed an hour later by a Q&A with Tikaf.

Gather at the Expo Hub for the screenings and then Tikaf will help you to teleport to a special area he has set up for learning how to create machinima in Second Life.

This event will not be broadcast on our Expo stream as it's a SL only event. So come on over and watch some great films (Scent Memory, whoo boy!) and learn about Second Life machinima.
