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Managers today are all obsessed with VUCA, an ugly acronym encapsulating the notion that business faces more volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity than ever before, requiring an entirely new kind of approach to strategy.


That new way comes under many terms: discovery-driven strategy, emergent strategy, lean strategy, agile strategy, to name just the best known. They all hold, more or less, that in this VUCA world, you just have to try stuff, see how it works, and adjust. Thinking about strategy before doing something is so retrograde, so pre-VUCA.


I just don’t buy it.


There is really no actual evidence that ours is a more VUCA world than previous ones. In fact, every generation claims that its times are the most turbulent ever.  Partly this is because the past is known and understood, so we forget how uncertain everything seemed at the time.


Via Kenneth Mikkelsen