#HR The Introvert’s Guide to Better Relationships With Colleagues | The Fast Track | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

Here’s an interesting fact: 65% of executives, in a USA Today survey, said that being introverted is a barrier to leadership … yet about 40% of leaders test as introverts, which is only a little bit lower than the 50/50 introvert/extrovert split in the general population. So clearly, while it might be a challenge, it’s not a prohibitive one. It’s true, though, that introverts generally need to work harder to build the relationships with colleagues that are so important to professional success. We introverts often prefer to keep our heads down and focus on work and can find socializing with colleagues to be weirdly draining. So it can be frustrating to realize just how important work relationships really are to your success (and to the success of your team). But there are some relatively painless things that introverts can do to strengthen relationships with colleagues without triggering too much introvert agony. Tagged 

Via Morag Barrett, Mark E. Deschaine, PhD, David Hain, Marc Wachtfogel, Ph.D.