How To Successfully Scale A Business While Keeping A Human Touch | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership |

Whenever you're approaching any unique partnership, there's a couple things that I look at. One is, What is the joint set of capabilities that you're bringing to the table? It's not just about what Porch can do for that company, or what that company can do for Porch. It's, what is the joint set of capabilities? And you put it on the table, and you look at that. I think the second thing is, you come up with a vision of what that partnership can do together.



"The partner is a customer. So when I talk about who our customers are, we often talk about the homeowners; we talk about our professionals. But the partner satisfaction, it's got to be core to how you operate as a company. So we've made a commitment to that."

Via The Learning Factor