5 Steps for Effective Conflict Resolution   | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
Conflict is opportunity.  Although many of us find conflict stressful, conflict has many benefits.

As a mediator, I have witnessed the strong emotions produced by conflict.  I have also seen how conflict dealt with in a healthy way can enhance our problem-solving capabilities, increase productive communication, promote self-awareness and build relationships.  When we avoid conflict or become confrontational or aggressive, this erodes relationships and creates feelings of resentment.

Conflict is a natural part of the human experience.  Conflict is not wrong or bad; it does not mean you are failing.  Conflict shines a light on something that is not working, so use this opportunity to learn about yourself and others.

The next time you are facing a conflict, consider these five steps when formulating your response: