#PersonalBranding MacGuffins - Stuff You Have To Have To Get That Dream Job | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

Personal Branding MacGuffins
We explored Why Every Website Has A MacGuffin in Curation Revolution (http://sco.lt/9L7oCf and at http://www.curagami.com/featured/website-marketing-macguffins/ ;). That got us to thinking about personal branding MacGuffins. 

MacGuffins in film are plot devices that move the story forward but may not be fully explained to the audience. The glowing case in Pulp Fiction is a famous film MacGuffin.

Online MacGuffins are things customers expect. Things like Free Shipping for an ecommerce site whose absence does more damage than its presence creates benefit. What are MacGuffins for your personal brand?

Personal Brand MacGuffins include:

* Having a LinkedIn Profile.
* Having recommendations from every recent job on your LI Profile. * Having YOUR picture on your LI Profile. 
* Including a link to your Twitter on your LI Profile.
* Including a link to your personal blog or company website (and your personal blog scores higher).
* Telling your story in detail, supported by your recommendations and visually.

What other "personal brand" MacGuffins, things that hurt more in their absence than may help in their presence, can you discover and share?