#HR #Leadership Ways Being An Ambivert  Has Helped Me As A Leader | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

Advantages of Being an Ambivert

When you understand what it's like to be both an extrovert and an introvert, it can help you relate to the people you work with better. Especially, if you are in a leadership position.  Here are the ways I've used being an ambivert to my advantage.


1) I know when to give introverts time to collect their thoughts. Introverts aren't comfortable being put on the spot. They appreciate time to contemplate and then respond. I allow my introverted coworkers ample time to review and come to their own conclusions so they can feel comfortable articulating their ideas and responses.


2) I know when to give extroverts the opportunity to speak their mind. Extroverts want to openly contribute. They are energized by speaking and engaging with others. I create opportunities for my extroverted coworkers to talk and share their thoughts and feelings so they can be heard.


3) I can sense when an extrovert is overwhelming an introvert. When an extrovert is spending too much time talking, it can be a major distraction for the introvert. There are times when I need to step in and create opportunities for the introvert to have some quiet time to calm his or her brain. 

Via The Learning Factor