11 Questions You Need to Ask About Your Team's Effectiveness | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

You have a great product or service. You have the funds to make it happen. Now, the big question is "Do you have the people to stand by you and execute?"


The biggest question for entrepreneurs today is how to create a culture to keep your dream growing to its full potential. The answer is by creating a place for people to continue to develop both professionally and personally.


Dividing professional and personal development is an oxymoron. One feeds the other. And when you have an environment of mutual respect and open communication, more people want to hang around with you and make magic at work. The hardest part of work is the people piece. It needs on-going attention to keep productivity high and stress low.


Here are 11 questions to ask yourself and your team to make sure you are heading in the right direction.

Via The Learning Factor