Sleep Deprivation Makes You a Worse Leader, Study Confirms | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership |

From political leaders like Bill Clinton (in his heyday, at least) and Margaret Thatcher to business legends like Herb Kelleher and Jack Dorsey, there's no shortage of stories of leaders who claim to get by on next to no sleep. Should you follow their lead, inspiring your followers with heroic feats of business endurance?


Probably not, suggests a new study. Not only does dragging yourself around on minimal sleep feel awful, it also apparently makes you a less inspiring leader.

Sleeplessness kills your charisma

To test how lack of sleep affects key leadership skills like persuasion and charm, a team of researchers led by University of Washington management professor Christopher Barnes asked 88 business school students to prepare a commencement speech designed to inspire listeners. Half of this group then gave their speech following a restless night (they were asked to complete a survey every hour) and half while they were adequately rested.


How did a panel of expert evaluators (as well as the students themselves) rate their performances? The results clearly show that sleeplessness is a charisma killer.


Via The Learning Factor