#HR 7 Questions That Will Make You Sound Smarter in Meetings by @jaysondemers | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

Meetings can be telling experiences. If you're an employee, you want to look good in front of your boss. If you're selling something, you want to make a good impression on your prospect. If you're the meeting leader, you want to set a good example for your team. In all of these scenarios, you want to add as much value to the meeting as possible, and look as smart as you can in front of the other participants.

Doing so can be tough, even if you're well-read and invested in the topic of the meeting. That's because meeting participation requires as much poise as intelligence, and one redundant question or moment of distraction could make it look like you weren't paying attention.

To improve your reputation and keep the meeting as effective as possible, ask a variant of one or more of these seven questions:

Via The Learning Factor