Building, Managing and Leading a Hybrid Workforce | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership |
“In the future, when Microsoft leaves a security-flaw in their code it won’t mean that somebody hacks your computer. It will mean that somebody takes control of your servant robot and it stands in your bedroom doorway sharpening a knife and watching you sleep.”
~ Daniel H. Wilson
New examples of the hybrid workforce are appearing all the time. Amazon’s warehouse with robotic shelves, the exoskeleton trialled at Daewoo and the financial services startups using algorithms to deliver advice show us what is already possible. We can see that the reality of a hybrid workforce is no longer confined to science fiction. What role will humans play in the future of a 21st Century organisation?
Here are five key management challenges that I believe we will encounter on that journey:

Via David Hain