Does Europe need its own Mooc? | Alex Katsomitros - The Guardian | MOOCs, SPOCs and next generation Open Access Learning |

What is missing from the equation is an institution that would not just bring together individual universities in Europe, but would be European in essence. … Moocs constitute a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create a truly European university. But it will have to be something substantially bigger than a simple online version of the Erasmus programme, and perhaps more complete than Coursera and Udacity. … A European online university is also necessary to boost the nascent European identity. Umberto Eco recently argued that a whole new generation of Europeans will be needed to build a nationalism-free Europe. … Finally, a European version of Coursera might spark in Britain a debate similar to the one about the UK's membership in the European Union. A European university without a few reputable UK institutions would be a halfway house. Chances are that some of them would be glad to join a partnership including Sorbonne, Freie Universitat and the like. Would this create a split across the UK sector between Europhile and Futurelearn institutions?

Via Peter B. Sloep, Peter Mellow