MOOCs: neither the death of the university nor a panacea for learning | MOOCs, SPOCs and next generation Open Access Learning |
My childhood was influenced in some measure by two great icons that no longer exist. The first was Kodak – I adored my Box Brownie and I still have the wonderful grainy black and white pics.


MOOCs, and all their iterations, are an opportunity to re-imagine how we can deliver excellent learning outcomes in new, more accessible and engaging ways, fit for 21st century learners and graduates.


We know our higher education system, due to regulatory and financial pressures, is straining at its seams. But these new technologies and everything associated with open source prompts us to think differently about how and what we do.


Its affects are unknown but if universities are allowed to innovate they may well turn out to be good for staff, good for students and hopefully, good for institutions too.