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Mobile healthcare (mHealth) is “the biggest technology breakthrough of our time [being used] to address our greatest national challenge”, said US Health and Human Services Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius in her keynote address at the 2011 annual mHealth Summit in the Washington, DC area. Worldwide, the technology and its promise have moved up the healthcare agenda

This Economist Intelligence Unit report, commissioned by PwC, examines the current state and potential of mHealth in developed and emerging markets, the ongoing barriers to its adoption and the implications for companies in the field. Based on the research, the key findings include:

Expectations are high for mHealthRoughly one-half of patients surveyed for this report predict that mHealth will improve the convenience, cost and quality of their healthcare in the next three years (see “About the research”). Meanwhile, six in ten doctors and payers believe that its widespread adoption in their countries is inevitable in the near future. Yet most experts interviewed for this study, while also convinced that mHealth will eventually become an important part of care provision, expect that adoption will take time.

Via Pharma Guy