#PostEver is the best tool to post your text and images to Evernote quickly using #ipad #edtech20 #mlerning | mlearn | Scoop.it

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PostEver is the best tool to post your text and images to Evernote quickly.

Fully functional 14 days free trial PostEver Lite is also available!

PostEver has all the following features, like other Evernote posting apps.
- Post with any tags to specified notebook and title.
- Attaching pictures (1 picture per post).
- Add location information and date and time automatically.
- No need to care about communication state (Post automatically in the background after connection is recovered).

Only the PostEver has the following feature (PostEver engine).
- "Postscript" feature is able to add note to same notebook and same title.

If you omit the posting title, today's date will be the default title when PostEver engine is ON.
Just send more and more without thinking, all posts by day can organize into a single notebook!

LifeLog, privacy tweets, fragments of ideas, journal, shopping memo, reading notes and plot of the novels.
Use PostEver for all uses and any purpose.

[Function details]
- Can save and recall title history.
- Autofill title can be selected from "The first line of text/ Date and time/ Date/ Time/ Do not fill".
- History management of multiple combinations of tags.
- Bookmarklet cooperation (dedicated bookmarklet can enter the URL and title of the page being viewed in Safari).
- Supports both portrait and landscape orientation.
- Bluetooth keyboard support.
- Cooperation with TextExpander.
- Cooperation with ATOK Pad.
- Location information can be added in the Exif information of attached picture.
- Can replace the carriage return and the submit button.

* PostEver Lite works fully functional for 14 days after start up.
Following features will be disabled after the 14 days trial period expires.
- More than 5 posts per day.
- Attaching pictures.
You can purchase to remove functional limitations anytime from menu.

Via LucianeCurator