How to add 360 degree feedback in Moodle for performance evaluation? - Moodle World | Moodle and Web 2.0 |
In human resource industry, 360 degree feedback is known as “multi-rater feedback“, “multi-source feedback“,or “multi-source assessment“. The feedback is provided by subordinates, peers, supervisor and self-feedback.

Over the years, Moodle community members have requested for a 360 degree feedback activity in Moodle. The long desired wish is now true with the release of the 360° feedback – developed by Juan Pataleta : Core developer at Moodle HQ.

The new 360 degree feedback activity plugin enables you to run 360 appraisals directly within Moodle. The course participants can give feedback about other participants. You can include the participants in the feedback based on their role like teacher, manager and student. While setting up the 360 degree feedback activity, you can add 2 different question types – Ratings and Comments. The ratings will be averaged in the overall calculation.

Via Miloš Bajčetić