Check Out This Substantial Update To The Essential Theme | moodle3 |

Recently, in the forums, Gareth Barnard announced a substantial update to the Essential Theme for Moodle 2.9 and 3.0. There are a good deal of both new features and fixes for both versions.

Gareth provided highlights to the update as follows:

- He’s done a good deal of work making the header look better. This includes a much bigger profile image when you’re at the top of the page and the navbar is below the logo or social icon area.
- He’s also put a dotted line in-between the social icons so that they don’t look like they’re smashed together.
- The style guide (a cool new feature added in the last update) can now be accessed without logging on at yoursite/theme/essential/pages/styleguide.php.
- He’s implemented a number of fixes to fonts and colors for better accessibility.
- He’s given the logo a width setting so that it is more customizable.
- He’s made it so that the footer moves to the bottom (and actually a bit further) where the content on the page would leave space below the footer.

Via Miloš Bajčetić