The Permanent Disruption of Social Media | Networked Nonprofits and Social Media |

Curated by Beth Kanter

This article talks about the shift from a linear marketing pyramid to a non-linear funnel in the nonprofit sector.   The idea of a "decision-making journey" versus a "funnel" has been percolating since 2009 in the for-profit sector and attracted attention of nonprofit marketers about about a year ago(see found here:      

Here's the idea once again in a fundraising context:

Katya Andresen summarizes a new article in the Stanford Social Innovation Review, written by Network for Good partners Julie Dixon and Denise Keyes from the Georgetown University Center for Social Impact Communication. 

The complete article is here:

Katya points some practical takeaways from the article to think about your fundraising pitches:

o People tend to use social media to promote a cause they already support.
o People supplement, not replace, donating and volunteering with promoting a cause on social media. Just because someone is a so-called slacktivist, don’t take them as such. They may be doing a lot offline to support the cause.
o So the smart organizations combine online and offline engagement of donors.
o They also embrace their fans as messengers.

Questions:   How do you measure this?