Our OER Mythbusting guide launches today | Open Educational Policy for Europe | Open Educational Resources | Scoop.it
Anyone conducting advocacy and outreach work for Open Educational Resources naturally hears a lot of criticism of openness. While some of it is valid, much is based on lack of knowledge, unfounded fears and misconceptions or even misrepresentations of the issue. After hearing them one time too many, we decided to create an „OER mythbusting guide”, which collects the most popular myths, together with ways of „busting” them.

PDFWe are launching the Open Educational Resources mythbusting guide today, both as an online resource and a PDF guide (which can also be printed). The site is divided into two parts – a mythbusting guide and a quick introduction to OER. Both will help you find fast, simple and useful answers to myths, statements and unsupported claims about how Open Educational Resources (OER).

The guide has been written by Kamil Śliwowski (CC Poland) and Karolina Grodecka (Coalition for Open Education, Poland) and is based on results of a series of mythbusting workshops conducted over the course of the last year and a half, as well as a survey among OER advocates.

Via Miloš Bajčetić