The Couples Cure Rebecca Webster eBook PDF Download | Ebooks & Books (PDF Free Download) |

The Couples Cure ebook by Rebecca Webster full & legal download (.pdf). Be open-minded. Nobody likes it when someone is closed off and unwilling to take in the ideas and opinions of others. If you listen, you will learn how to better yourself which makes you more attractive. Don’t be clingy. Guys and girls alike need their space. Yes, you want to tell the whole world all about the man of your dreams. Yes, you want them to physically SEE the man of your dreams (i.e. holding hands,), but it’s a MAJOR TURN OFF when a girl can’t keep off her crush. It shows that you aren’t in yourself. Don’t be possessive. Be yourself. Don’t go around trying to be like every other girl otherwise you are REPLACABLE. You are unique and unlike any other girl he’s ever met. You’re like, the best thing that’s ever happened to him. OBVI. Let him chase you. Don’t go to him, let him come to you. This SCREAMS confidence and playful. A little game never hurt nobody..