Kevin McLaughlin Shares PJs: Personal Journeys | Bray | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |
Kevin McLaughlin is a primary teacher in the Old Mill Primary School in the UK who shares how he transformed his classroom to a personalized learning environment.


In a recent interview, Kevin shared his vision of personalized learning, the steps he took to create this new learning environment and how he redesigned his classroom based on how learners interact with each other.  Read this inspirational interview and discover why “It’s never been a better time to be a teacher/learner.”


Here is a small excerpt on Kevin's vision:


"What is your vision of personalizing learning?

I have envisaged personalised learning in my classroom as one that involves every learner in the development of their learning journey, that includes their own learning themes as well as those that the curriculum requires of them and allows them the opportunity to explore this learning in any way they see fit to achieve it."