CEM Blog Series - The Missing Piece: The Learner, Aug 23rd @1 ET | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) | Scoop.it

Join us on Thursday, August 23rd at 1PM ET in Session 3 of Personalize Learning Blog Series when we discuss The Missing Piece: The Learner.


For over a decade, the conversations have been about leaving no child behind with teachers analyzing data to develop better instructional strategies. This resulted in teachers teaching to the test which actually may have only slightly increased test scores yet decreased motivation and engagement.

What is the missing piece in these conversations? The Learner


Join us today in this important discussion about The Learner and how we can drive the conversation about transforming education with The Learner at the center.  Here are some questions to consider:


> Who are the learners today?
> How do learners learn best?
> How do we meet the needs of all learners in the classroom every day?
> What is the new role of the teacher?
> How is the role of the learner changing?