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The 5DMKII VIEW CAMERA | Photography Gear News |

"Well almost… I’ve had this Piccolette Contessa-Nettel (1919) folding camera for ages. Its been a great piece of photo history sitting on my shelf. Was curious if it could make pictures again, so I hacked it onto my 5D. Here are the results. WOW!!! IT’S ALIVE!!!"

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Scooped by Philippe Gassmann!

A Twin Lens Reflex (TLR) Built From Lego Bricks

A Twin Lens Reflex (TLR) Built From Lego Bricks | Photography Gear News |
Have you ever held an old TLR (Twin Lens Reflex)? It feels amazingly good. The top viewfinder is a delight and shooting from the hip removes any obstacles between you and your model. Well, a nice Rolleiflex TLR can set you back about 5 D800s.
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Scooped by Philippe Gassmann!

Slidetracked, A 3D Printed Time Lapse Dolly

Slidetracked, A 3D Printed Time Lapse Dolly | Photography Gear News |

"Derek Mellott is no stranger to Timelapse sliders and dollies, he is a genius. In fact our most popular slider design on the blog is Derek's design. Today, Derek explains how to DIY the Slidetracked, a fully featured, easily assembled, 3D printed DIY dolly. If you just want the features, but do not want to build one, you can get a pre-assembeled one from Indiegogo too."

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Scooped by Philippe Gassmann!

How To Build A Nicely Diffused Strip Light

How To Build A Nicely Diffused Strip Light | Photography Gear News |

"In my kid-days from long ago, I liked to bang on things with my toy hammer and play with a pretend saw. As a kid today it is no different except that it means hot glue, Velcro, duct tape, drill bits, hack saws, wing nuts, lock washers, and so on.

My goal was to design a strip light mod for small hot shoe flashes with limited power. Instead of light-eating grids and inner diffusers found a way to use the edges of the box to cut down spill, and a reflector inside helps distribute the light more evenly. This allowed me to eliminate the inner diffuser, which soaks up the light output. I can now shoot with this strip light about 2 to 4 feet away using ¼ power!

Finally it was finished and I asked my reluctant model if she'd pose. Judy came out wearing my vest because it was cold. I really liked the pictures that came out."

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Scooped by Philippe Gassmann!

Shooting The Three Ladies

Shooting The Three Ladies | Photography Gear News |

"It is not often that I see a picture and get my eye wet with nostalgia. However this one from David Sittig hit a soft spot for me..."

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Scooped by Philippe Gassmann!

DIY: How to Change your Camera’s LCD Cover

DIY: How to Change your Camera’s LCD Cover | Photography Gear News |

"Inevitably, over time the plastic LCD cover on the back of your camera gets scratched, scuffed and generally ends up looking older than the camera really is. Most of the time it doesn’t matter much, you can see the images and menus just fine. But given enough scratches light glare may interfere with seeing the LCD. Or you just may hate that your pride and joy doesn’t look great. We certainly do.
Changing that old LCD cover for a new one is easy to do and inexpensive. We’re going to show you how using a 5D Mk II for an example, but changing it out on other cameras is exactly the same (as is changing out smaller secondary LCD covers if your camera has those). For almost all Canon and Nikon cameras you can find factory replacement covers (and tape, make sure it comes with tape) on eBay or from some camera repair shops that resell parts. You can also buy them direct from Canon or Nikon parts at the moment, but Nikon plans to stop selling all parts soon except to authorized repair centers (who won’t resell parts) so Nikon supplies will probably be drying up. You can sometimes find LCD covers for other brands, but they’re more difficult to come by.
Once you have the new cover, changing won’t take more than 15 minutes. And I should note, all we’re doing is changing the cover, we aren’t doing anything to the actual LCD itself. BUT, if you’re clumsy you could scratch the actual LCD while doing this and that will require an expensive repair. So consider yourself warned."

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Scooped by Philippe Gassmann!

Steel Wool Light Paining Can Be Bad For Your Lens

Steel Wool Light Paining Can Be Bad For Your Lens | Photography Gear News |

"One of the best ways to make interesting light painting is to get a piece of steel wool on a string and spin it around on a long exposure (see tutorial here).

While we always warn folks to be cautious and wear goggles and long sleeves while spinning a piece of burning metal we never actually talked about camera safety."

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Scooped by Philippe Gassmann!

Overkill: Use an Old Pacemaker To Control Delay In A Drop Shot

Overkill: Use an Old Pacemaker To Control Delay In A Drop Shot | Photography Gear News |

"I've seen some crazy setups for high speed photography utilizing all sorts of weird parts. There is even a system that will turn the lights off for you, if you so please. But, this is the first time I am seeing such a huge overkill in term of components used to gain some control over the circuit."

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Scooped by Philippe Gassmann!

How To Make A Snoot From A Coca-Cola Bottle

How To Make A Snoot From A Coca-Cola Bottle | Photography Gear News |

"I guess that snoots are one of those things that you can make out of almost any substance. As a kid, I used to listed to Dennis Leary and he had a similar notion on bongs (you can listed to this very NSFW, rude and strong languaged track here)."

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Scooped by Philippe Gassmann!

Blinky Is One Cute DIY Pinhole Camera

Blinky Is One Cute DIY Pinhole Camera | Photography Gear News |

"The Blinky is a self-assemble DIY Pinhole lens made from cardboard. Similarly to the Paper Fold Pinhole, the film chamber is kept shut with a rubber band. (Did I say this kit is genius yet?) and the film is wound with a wooden peg."

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Scooped by Philippe Gassmann!

High Speed Primer - The Woosh

High Speed Primer - The Woosh | Photography Gear News |
On the previous post we build all the circuitry needed for complete control over high speed setups and today we will put it to the test. We will recreate one of the images previously done on DIYP (and has been in the title for this series).
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Scooped by Philippe Gassmann!

How To Bake A Nikon Cake

How To Bake A Nikon Cake | Photography Gear News |
A few weeks ago the blog has taken a small detour to the baking realm with camera shaped cookies. I thought that cookies were not big enough in some cases so here we go with a guide to bake a Nikon cake.
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Scooped by Philippe Gassmann!

High Speed Primer - Better Trigger And Cherry Drops

High Speed Primer - Better Trigger And Cherry Drops | Photography Gear News |

"On our last post we built and used a sound trigger to shoot a crossbow shoots an egg, today we add a photo gate trigger and shoot things falling.

After using the original trigger circuits for quite a while, I decided to make some improvements and to amalgamate the various devices into one, and to finally "hard wire" the whole lot. My excuse was that while I was incorporating the improvements I could rationalize the kit, but to be honest this was a bit of a vanity project. The finished control box is better, and much more versatile, and has enough knobs and switches to impress the unwary, but functionally the quick-and-easy separate circuits are just as good!

So, you can treat this post as a bit of a vanity project too, and skip it completely unless you are a inveterate tinkerer yourself!"

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Scooped by Philippe Gassmann!

Make Your Own Photogram Cyanotype

Make Your Own Photogram Cyanotype | Photography Gear News |

"If you are not familiar with photograms and cyanotypes, here are two new words for you: A Photogram is a photograph made without a camera by placing objects directly onto a photographic paper. A Cyanotype is the developing process used to make blue prints."

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Scooped by Philippe Gassmann!

A 35mm Panoramic Pinhole Camera Comes To Life

A 35mm Panoramic Pinhole Camera Comes To Life | Photography Gear News |

"Photographer Matus Zosak was inspired by the 35mm panoramic pinhole camera tutorial we featured way back so he built one of his own. His pinhole, however, came to life using stop motion animation. It is right after the jump.

Actually, Zosak also documented the build process in a time-lapse which provides a window to how a paper camera like this comes to be."

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Scooped by Philippe Gassmann!

Using An Old Slide Projector To Photograph Super Heroes

Using An Old Slide Projector To Photograph Super Heroes | Photography Gear News |

"If you went to college around the same time that I did, you may have caught the last few professors that did not use power point for slides. Instead they used an ancient device called overhead projector which took letter (or A4) sized transparencies.

They were a behemoth of a device, capable of throwing an image across a huge auditorium. And a size to match. So did the heat produced and the noise from the fan. But in the hands of the skilled professor with a few markers those projectors were an efficient tool in hammering infinitesimal math into our plugged heads.

Those devices are obsolete now. Power point presentations and DLP projectors took their place. This is why hacking one into a pattern projector feels a whole lot better than killing an SLR. This is exactly what flickr user haristobald (blog) did and worked into a super heroes series. A strobe replaced the powerful lamp to throw a superhero icon on a wall, ceiling or even a person..."

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Scooped by Philippe Gassmann!

How to spot counterfeit Nikon filters

How to spot counterfeit Nikon filters | Photography Gear News |

"It seems that in addition to batteries and battery grips, there are also counterfeit Nikon filters. 1kindphotography has a detailed article on what you should look for to make sure your filter is genuine. Always purchase equipment from authorized Nikon dealers (the "fake" Nikon filter was bought on eBay).

Read more on"

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Scooped by Philippe Gassmann!

Build A Huge Grid From Gaffers Tape

Build A Huge Grid From Gaffers Tape | Photography Gear News |
If I recall correctly, it was Archimedes who said "Give me enough gaff tape and I will move the world".
So we are not going to move the world today, but we are going to control light with nothing more than gaffer's tape.
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Scooped by Philippe Gassmann!

Show Your Lens Some Love By Making It A Carbon Fiber Hood |

Show Your Lens Some Love By Making It A Carbon Fiber Hood | | Photography Gear News |

"Carbon Fiber is the new Titanium! All the good stuff is made with carbon fiber, the nice tripods, the nice monopods, the nice rigs and the nice stabilizers. With all those carbon fibers accessories, your lens is must be feeling left out.

Fear not, this guide by Laya Gerlock will show you how to spoil your lens with a Carbon-Fiber hood in 5 easy steps. (OK, it's a decal, still is pretty awesome)"

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Scooped by Philippe Gassmann!

Your Complete Guide For Photographing Maya In The Year Of Apocalypse

Your Complete Guide For Photographing Maya In The Year Of Apocalypse | Photography Gear News |

"Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you've almost certainly heard that the ancient Maya long-count calendar rolls over in December this year. Along with spurring the release of a frenzy of apocalyptic books, this event is also helping spawn renewed tourist interest in Maya ruins. Not to miss out on the opportunity (and free publicity), Mesoamerican communities are hosting a number of special events to celebrate the historic occasion. And governments in what was once the Maya realm have funded a new wave of restoration projects at ruin sites."

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Scooped by Philippe Gassmann!

Using A Double Flash Bracket To Add Modeling light To Your Setup

Using A Double Flash Bracket To Add Modeling light To Your Setup | Photography Gear News |

"One of the downsides of using a small strobe is that you don't get the nice modeling light like the big studio guns.

That means that you have to pre-visualize your light. If you are new to strobes this may not be trivial even on a bare strobe, but throw some modifiers in (e.g. a softbox or an umbrella) and it get even harder. This is why a modeling light is can be your best friend as you make your first steps into the modifiers world. In this tutorial I will explain how you can add a modeling light to a strobe using a DIY Double Flash Bracket, but any double flash bracket will do."

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Scooped by Philippe Gassmann!

How To Build A Flash (With An Optical Slave)

How To Build A Flash (With An Optical Slave) | Photography Gear News |

"There really is no explanation of electronics without a scheme, so we placed a scheme below. While it does not go in depth about each of the parts it explains in a nut shell what's its name and what it does. The magic of it, of course, is that you can create quite an effective burst of light, from a few 1.5V AA batteries."

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Scooped by Philippe Gassmann!

Using A Motorized Yoyo As A Panning Slider

Using A Motorized Yoyo As A Panning Slider | Photography Gear News |
I just love it when people use ordinary stuff to create new gear. Take a Yoyo for example. It's built to roll and collect wire, reminds you of something? It reminded Marc Cocchio a basic slider. And indeed a slider was build from a yoyo.
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Scooped by Philippe Gassmann!

Build A Jib From 5 Pieces of Scrap

Build A Jib From 5 Pieces of Scrap | Photography Gear News |

"If you are doing any videography, a jib (or a crane) is probably the third piece of gear you will buy (after a camera and a slider)...."

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Scooped by Philippe Gassmann!

High Speed Primer - Triggers

High Speed Primer - Triggers | Photography Gear News |

"On our last post we went through the basic ideas of capturing a high speed photograph, and today we will cover some of the basic triggers and kits available to play the high speed game."

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