Why It's So Important That Teachers Cultivate Their Own Resilience | MindShift | KQED News | Professional Learning for Busy Educators | Scoop.it
Imagine it’s the end of a rainy Friday when kids didn’t get time outside and you had to supervise indoor recess. You had only 10 minutes for lunch, during which you inhaled a bag of chips and a soda; and during the final few minutes of cleanup, a student who often pushes your buttons says something disrespectful to you. You had only asked the student to pick up a piece of trash. Other kids giggle and watch to see what you’ll do.

Freeze this scene.

This moment between something that happens and how we respond is what this book is about. This is the moment when we cultivate resilience. This is the moment that is referenced in this quote (erroneously attributed to Viktor Frankl but actually of unknown origin): "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."