Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
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Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
Social marketing, PR insight & thought leadership - from The PR Coach
Curated by Jeff Domansky
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The Public Apology Letter: 6 Brands That Nailed It | HubSpot

The Public Apology Letter: 6 Brands That Nailed It | HubSpot | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

But to little old me, a sincere apology goes a long way. When I sense genuine remorse, it means a lot to me -- perhaps because it's so rare, at least in my experience. Combined with my nerdy affection for all things marketing, that sentiment applies to brand apologies, too. It's not so much that I think, "Wow, that means a lot to me," but more like, "Wow, that company really nailed saying, 'Sorry.'"

So, who's done it best? We rounded up some of our favorite brand apologies to inspire you next time you make a mistake -- and need to admit your wrongdoing....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

HubSpot suggests six brands that have mastered the art of the apology, and admitting when they're wrong. Useful lessons for reputation management.

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Lessons From Three of 2016's Biggest PR Fails

Lessons From Three of 2016's Biggest PR Fails | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
2016 saw its fair share of corporate public-relations mishaps, but some were more cringeworthy than others. To be sure, the PR crises in certain cases weren't all that bad compared with the serious business missteps that precipitated a few of them, but the fact remains that there is always a better and a worse way to talk to customers and the public when something's gone wrong. These were three of the year's most egregious gaffes, and what companies can learn from them heading into 2017
Jeff Domansky's insight:

Some PR mishaps are simply ill-advised tweets, while others are huge corporate scandals. Here's what Cheerios, Wells Fargo and Samsung taught us.

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How Monetizing Became Malvertising | MediaShift

How Monetizing Became Malvertising | MediaShift | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

The Interactive Advertising Bureau estimates malicious advertising ”malvertising” costs the U.S. digital marketing, advertising, and media industry $8.2 billion annually.

A few years ago malvertising was merely scamming the system: fake ads, fake traffic, fake analytics. Ad tech is a hacker's heaven, an unregulated labyrinth of circumlocution systems for bidding, placing and tracking ads.

"All the code is awful and you aren't allowed to change it anyway," says Salon developer Aram Zucker-Scharff. "Usually ad servers claim they run some sort of checks, but considering just how many malicious or badly formed ads get through, it is pretty apparent they don't do much."

The hacker's goal is to bill, aka bilk, advertisers for ads no human ever saw. Their fraud takes several forms: Ad stacking piles multiple ads on top of each other. Ad stuffing shrinks ads to invisible 1-pixel squares. Click farms send fraud users to real sites. Clickjacking sends real users to fraud sites....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

An in-depth look at what's breaking the news business as cyber criminals embezzle billions annually from advertisers.

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Ryanair — which originally predicted a Remain vote —launches £9.99 flight sale for people who 'need a getaway' after Brexit wins

Ryanair  — which originally predicted a Remain vote —launches £9.99 flight sale for people who 'need a getaway' after Brexit wins | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Ryanair, the Irish low-cost airline, is 24-hour £9.99 flash sale for people who "need a getaway" after the UK voted to leave the European Union.

An ad for the promotion on Twitter takes on the famous "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" monkeys and replaces them with UKIP leader Nigel Farage, former London Mayor Boris Johnson, and justice secretary Michael Gove - the leading three figures of the Leave campaign.

Ryanair, was firmly in the Remain camp - so much so that it had sent out a marketing email earlier on Friday morning - hours ahead of the official referendum results - to promote the sale, reading: "Celebrate remaining in Europe with 1 million seats from £9.99."...

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Earlier on Friday morning, Ryanair was hoping to celebrate a win for Remain but had to switch marketing gears fast!

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Sorry, Burger King: McDonald's just said no to your joint 'McWhopper' burger idea

Sorry, Burger King: McDonald's just said no to your joint 'McWhopper' burger idea | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Burger King took out a full-page, open-letter-style ad in The New York Times and Chicago Tribune this morning, calling for a truce with McDonald's and suggesting they join forces to create a "McWhopper" burger.

But McDonald's is having none of it.Burger King's idea was to "get the world talking" about the Peace One Day charity, which is lobbying for September 21 to become an official Peace Day. Fernando Machado, the fast-food chain's senior vice president for global brand management, said it wasn't just a PR stunt and that BK was hoping McDonald's would agree to sell the hybrid burger September 21....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

McD burns BK Peace Day initiative. McDonald's CEO Steve Easterbrook says of Burger King's proposal, "A simple phone call will do next time." Bad PR on both sides or do they each have a point?

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Marketers Tricked SXSW Tinder Users With A Chatbot | TechCrunch

Marketers Tricked SXSW Tinder Users With A Chatbot | TechCrunch | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

There are a few universal truths in online dating: most photos are carefully staged, most profiles are slightly puffed-up, and most people on them (and this is clearly fast-changing) are actually human.Until some unlucky Tinder users spotted Ava.

A company promoting the movie Ex Machina created a fake account, Ava, with a photo of the star of the movie. Ava is an AI in the film and presumably she wants to get down. Unsuspecting men and women swiped to make a match and Ava, in a cross between cheesy AI and Eliza, asked a few pertinent questions including “Have you ever been in love?” and “What makes you human?”

Normal users assumed they were talking to a human but they were actually talking to a bot. In the end, like the chatbots that now linger on near dead chat systems like AIM, Ava sent her suitors to an Instagram page where they found out that she was all a sham....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Movie's tender Tinder trap leads to transparency debate. This publicity stunt was playing with fire. Good read. 9/10

Christina Papazaharias's curator insight, May 12, 2015 1:02 PM

This explains the deception involved with online dating networking very well. Users have no idea who they are talking to, and if they are real, living, breathing, human beings. It is scary entering online dating apps due to the insecurity of knowing who you are talking to. The role of deception, as mentioned in previous posts, is a major contributor to the lack of trust users experience when developing relationships online. Deception does not only happen on online dating sites, but also on social networking sites as well. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc are targeted platforms scammers use to obtain their goal at hand. Fake accounts are sometimes easy to come by and are easily identified, but there are people who overlook the common signs of identity fraud. Education and common sense are two tools users who are involved in online relationships should utilize when trying to asses accounts they deem as being fake. 

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Samsung Told The Selfie Stops At The President | MediaPost

Samsung Told The Selfie Stops At The President | MediaPost | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Samsung may be learning a lesson this week that most of us observed by watching Mr. Smith a long time ago: What flies in Hollywood doesn’t having any relation to the real politick of Washington, D.C. And so it is that headlines are calling out both Samsung and Boston Red Sox slugger David Ortiz for “punking” the President with a moment reminiscent of Ellen DeGeneres’ selfie-fulfilling prophecy at the Oscars that did, indeed, set a record for the most retweets....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

No you can't says the White House to marketers.

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MediaPost Publications Thank You For Not Tweeting - Or, Super Bowl XLVIII

MediaPost Publications Thank You For Not Tweeting - Or, Super Bowl XLVIII | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

...However, for the most part, this was not a marketing opportunity in which cooler heads prevailed, whether it was the unfortunate racist tweets that followed Wieden + Kennedy’s lovely, multilingual rendition of “America the Beautiful” on behalf of Coke or JC Penney, which… oh God, where do I start?

Well, here goes. So, about halfway through the game,  @adage wondered if @JCPenney had been hacked, or whether the person man- or woman-ing the account was drunk. How else to interpret tweets such as the following:

"Toughdown Seadawks!! Is sSeattle going toa runaway wit h this???"

Or the epic:

“Who kkmew theis was ghiong tob e a baweball ghamle. #lowsscorinh 5_0”...

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Catharine Taylor writes the game was a bust and the social marketing fails were even worse!

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How Funny Tweets Win You New Customers

For companies that haven't found a humorous voice on social media, the joke's on them. For those that have, here's how they leverage laughs....

Done well, tweeting can even land you a dream job. Here at Fast Company, our executive editor Noah Robischon even has a framed edict on his office wall: “Stop tweeting boring shit.” But stifling yawn-worthy tweets is one thing, composing a one-line comedic gem for the masses is quite another.

We’ve come to expect it from stand-up comedians such as Megan Amram, the spambot @horse_ebooks that posts bits of context-free hilarity randomly pulled from online texts, and formerly unknown Justin Halpern, who rose to fame tweeting the caustic observations of his father from @shitmydadsays. But brands bringing the funny on Twitter? Not so much.

To wit: @ChipotleTweets took to fake hacking its feed to produce a stream of nonsense notes meant to evoke a chaotic mirth similar to that of @horse_ebooks. Though the tactic earned the burrito chain several thousand new followers, Chipotle quickly resumed its regular (not particularly humorous) promotional voice....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

The joke's on brands that fail to use humor effectively. While it can be effective, humor is a dangerous game in marketing. An even bigger issue for brands is using fake hacking as a social media and content marketing strategy. Definitely, doomed to fail.

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Benetton yanks smooching Pope ad from Unhate campaign after Vatican threatened legal action

Benetton yanks smooching Pope ad from Unhate campaign after Vatican threatened legal action | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Fashion company Benetton caved in to pressure from the Vatican and pulled a Photoshopped ad that showed Pope Benedict XVI kissing a leading Islamic imam, the International Business Times reported Thursday.The Vatican responded with furious protests over the image in the company’s Unhate campaign, released Wednesday, which showed the Pope smooching with Egyptian Grand Imam Ahmed el-Tayyeb.“This is a grave lack of respect for the Pope,” Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi fumed.

Jeff Domansky's insight:

So is this a marketing fail or a crazy like a fox PR ploy by Benetton?

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Jaron Lanier: Information doesn't want to be free, and ads are screwed

Jaron Lanier: Information doesn't want to be free, and ads are screwed | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Computer scientist and author Jaron Lanier has turned his back on the “information wants to free” meme to which he once subscribed, and he thinks advertising as a business model for media is doomed. It’s not just that Craigslist and other Internet businesses have snatched ads away from traditional media, he reckons; it’s that in this digital era, when Google and Facebook increasingly own most of the inventory, not to mention the ad servers and distribution channels, relying on advertising to prop up your media company just doesn’t make sense.


youLanier, the guy credited with coming up with the term “virtual reality,” outlines this thesis in his new book “Who Owns the Future?” which examines the effects network technologies have had on our economy. In an interview with Nieman Journalism Lab, Lanier builds on that case, stating flatly that advertising isn’t a viable business plan for media businesses in the long term. He tells the publication...

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Tthis is a very provocative discussion about how advertising is dead. Simply dead in the water. And Lanier is most definitely right. Recommended reading for advertising, marketing and PR people.

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15 Unapproved Ads That Got Top Brands In Trouble | Business Insider

15 Unapproved Ads That Got Top Brands In Trouble | Business Insider | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Ford isn't the only major company that has had to answer for a controversial ad it never wanted to go public. A series of Pepsi ads in Dusseldorf showed graphic images of a personified calorie committing suicide in various violent ways. The World Wildlife Foundation had to apologize when DDB Brazil created ads in which dozens of planes were shown flying at the World Trade Towers with the text, "The tsunami killed 100 times more people than 9/11." WWF said it never approved the ads even though they were submitted to various ad award ceremonies. Click here to see when big brands had to answer for huge ad fails ... 

Jeff Domansky's insight:

So many bad ads, so many bad PR lessons...

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15-Seconds Blog: Dummies at DKNY

15-Seconds Blog: Dummies at DKNY | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Here is the back story: DKNY approached Brandon Stanton, a New York photographer, with a proposal to use 300 of his slice-of-life pictures in their store windows around the world. They offered him $15,000 for the rights. Stanton turned them down thinking DKNY was under-pricing his goods.


Some time later Stanton stumbled across a photo of a window display of a DKNY store in Thailand displaying many of his images which he says were used "without (his) knowledge , and without compensation."...

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Half-hearted apologies add to bad PR. What's to get about that?

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Health-washing | Tom Fishburne

Health-washing | Tom Fishburne | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

It’s a tricky time to be a food marketer. Consumers are scrutinizing more than ever to what goes into the foods they buy. And what constitutes “healthy” to consumers is in flux.

The FDA recently announced that it will be calling out “added sugar” on nutrition labels in the future. It is estimated that 68% of processed foods contain added sugars.

“It’s going to really surprise people who go to organic and whole foods stores, when they find that all this natural food they’ve been buying is full of added sugar,” said Barry Popkin, UNC professor and author of a study called, “Sweetening of the Global Diet.

”I heard that there are 61 different names for added sugar listed on food labels, which can make it hard for consumers to evaluate the amount of sugar in products they buy. The sneakiest trick to to have multiple sources of added sugar in one product, so that no one type of sugar shows up first on the ingredients panel....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Is it "Health-washing" or is it marketing? Mostly, it's deceptive and dishonest.

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When PR stunts go bad

When PR stunts go bad | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Weight Watchers sent lightbulbs like this to female journalists.

The intention was innocent enough – promote a positive body image among women. But the delivery was not so subtle.

Weight Watchers dipped their toes in the "PG sex toy" industry this week, sending out low wattage light bulbs to users – designed to give users a "boost in the bedroom".

But public relations expert, Mike Hutcheson slammed the stunt as fattist, ill-judged and probably "written by a snot-ass skinny person"....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Not-so-smart PR stunt by Weight Watchers in Australia. Tone deaf!

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Gold's Gym Terminates Franchisee Whose Ad Said a Pear 'Is No Shape for a Girl'

Gold's Gym Terminates Franchisee Whose Ad Said a Pear 'Is No Shape for a Girl' | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Gold's Gym is acting quickly today to defuse a PR crisis sparked by an Egyptian franchisee who created a social media post that showed a pear and said "This Is No Shape for a Girl."

(UPDATE: The gym chain has posted a lengthy explanation and apology on Facebook, where the company says it has terminated its franchisee agreement with the location behind the ad. See below for the company's full statement.)

While the Egyptian location has apologized for the image, it remains in circulation on social media, with many thinking it's an official marketing image for the gym chain. This morning, Gold's Gym's official Twitter account has been responding to many of the ad's critics....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Appalling ad, marketing fail, bad PR and a quick PR recovery by Gold's Gym.

Ayesha_Fatima's curator insight, August 17, 2016 9:41 AM
Best Website_Design Company ❤ SEO SMM Service in Pakistan dial+92315-7888-478
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Gary Vaynerchuk Apologizes for Cannes Party Invite Seeking 'Attractive Females Only'

Gary Vaynerchuk Apologizes for Cannes Party Invite Seeking 'Attractive Females Only' | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Cannes Lions 2016 has its first truly cringeworthy moment, in the form of a party invitation seeking "attractive females and models only."

The email went out to a number of festival participants who planned to attend The Wednesday Party, an event sponsored by digital agency VaynerMedia and media company Thrillist Media Group with a musical performance by Wyclef Jean.

UPDATE: Thrillist founder and CEO Ben Lerer responded to the controversy via an internal staff email that appears in part at the bottom of this story.

A female agency executive tells Adweek that she and two female colleagues received the email while having lunch in Cannes on Tuesday. One of them forwarded it to women's advocate and agency veteran Cindy Gallop, who subsequently shared it on Twitter and wrote, "It's 2016, @vaynermedia @thrillist. This is not how you party at @cannes_lions."

The email was sent by events company iGetIn. Its key section reads (emphasis via the sender of the message): "Thank you for your interest in attending!! Please be aware that this specific list is for attractive females and models only."

The note, which was also shared by members of the public Facebook group Cannes for Cannesseurs, then instructs male attendees to "contact the PR departments of the respective sponsors" if they want to get into the party. It requests that women interested in attending send "recent untouched photos and/or your Instagram/Facebook links for you and each of your additional female guest [sic]," adding, "once we have reviewed we will send you specific entry details." ...

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Ouch. The moral of this bad PR story is know what your suppliers are doing on your behalf.

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U.K. Advertising Industry Calls for Strike Against Budweiser Brewer

 U.K.-based trade body called for advertising agencies to strike against Anheuser-Busch InBev NV, citing “despicable” practices it says the Budweiser maker imposed on its members when pitching for work.In a recent pitch for work,

AB InBev asked agencies how low they would go on rates, how many free hours of work they’d offer and whether they’d wait for payment beyond the current 120-day period, the Marketing Agencies Association said Thursday in an e-mailed statement.

The world’s biggest brewer also asked agencies how much money they’d give back -- known as rebates -- beyond a minimum 5 percent the company already stipulates, to contribute to its corporate sustainability program, the MAA said. The organization called on agencies that work with AB InBev to strike starting April 7....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Talk about bully beer? Clients like this will drive you to drink. Interesting issue for all consultants whether you're in advertising , marketing, PR or freelance.This Bud's not for you. 9/10

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“Being lucky is important in life!” says bingo company | Bad PR

“Being lucky is important in life!” says bingo company | Bad PR | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

...It seems that luck is a simple affair – if you don’t get a parking ticket while having sex in your car, you’re one of the lucky ones amongst us. However, if you don’t self-report as ‘lucky’ in an online survey, it’s clearly your own fault:

However, two in five people who say they are unlucky have never done anything superstitious to turn around their luck with 61 per cent of them saying they would happily walk under a ladder.

There may be a very good reason why people considered to be unlucky haven’t gone out of their way to ‘turn their luck around’, namely that that isn’t really a thing. But, far be it to point out such minor details, when the stakes of poor luck are so high:

Unlucky people are also twice as likely to be single and will probably not have any children.

Naturally, the company who paid for this ‘research’ have their own vested axe to grind:

Jeff Domansky's insight:

[[Sigh!]] Silly surveys - bad PR and low credibility!

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Confessions of a disgraced crowdfunder

Confessions of a disgraced crowdfunder | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Two years ago Savannah Peterson worked as the head of marketing for a design firm in Silicon Valley. She was introduced to a company making a newfangled photo device. The gadget, called Instacube, ...

Instacube launched a Kickstarter campaign in August of 2012 with the promise of a March 2013 ship date. The Internet fell in love with Instacube, and the device raised nearly three times what it sought. Cut to March of 2014 and not one Instacube has been shipped. Today, at a one-on-one interview at South by Southwest, Peterson told her story....

It worked. Peterson was able to wrangle an article by Engadget, and from there the dominoes fell. Instacube was on CNET, Mashable, and TechCrunch. The campaign had intended to raise $250,000. Within the first 24 hours it had secured more than $100,000. By campaign’s end D2M had raked in $621,049.

Then D2M had to build it. This is where things begin to fall apart. The March 2013 deadline came and went and zero devices had been shipped. Backers, understandably, became impatient....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

A cautionary technology tale.

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Why Are So Many Social Media Managers Dipshits? | VICE United States

Why Are So Many Social Media Managers Dipshits? | VICE United States | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

I’ve collected eight recent social media posts by large companies. Most of these updates are from the last month. To try to pick the abjectly stupidest one would not be easy.

...McElligott was a very smart ad man. Today, many of the social media managers at large and important companies are, by contrast, not very smart ad men. To say that they regularly underestimate their customers’ intelligence would be a great understatement. They seem to believe their customers have the brain power of a baked potato.

I’ve collected eight recent social media posts by large companies. Most of these updates are from the last month. To try to pick the abjectly stupidest one would not be easy. You can go ahead and give it a try, though....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Key question: Is there intelligent life on social media? Apparently not, for brands!

James Dillon's curator insight, November 6, 2013 7:24 PM

A bunch of side-grabbingly, hilariously condescending Facebook 'engagement' attempts from brands who should know better

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Statistical Proof Is Piling Up That Apple's Ads Are Failing

Statistical Proof Is Piling Up That Apple's Ads Are Failing | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Apple's new ads are failing.

Here are the 10 most effective ads of Q2 2013, according to Ace Metrix, a company that measures audience responses to commercials. The No.1 spot was by AT&T, advertising a Samsung Galaxy S4 Active, which can survive being dunked in a fishbowl. Samsung's own ad for the GS4 came in at No.8

Apple wasn't on the list...

Jeff Domansky's insight:

The new Apple advertising sucks especially in comparison with major competitor Samsung. In my view, their ads totally forgot about their core high tech, gadget-fascinated, cult followers. People buy Apple because of the design and features and these are nowhere to be seen in the new "corporate" ads.

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Marketing Concept: If you build it, they will come … if you sell, they will leave | MarketingSherpa Blog

Marketing Concept: If you build it, they will come … if you sell, they will leave | MarketingSherpa Blog | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

...When done well, content marketing is remarkably product agnostic when you really think about it.  There is no selling involved because selling runs contrary to the primary purpose of content marketing, which is to become a trusted resource.

By building credibility with an audience as a trustworthy source, brands have been able to later leverage that trust, which can be viewed as a subconscious chip stack.  They’ve accumulated with readers at a strategic time to say “We’ve never tried to push any of our products on you, but we’ve got something you really need to see.”

And, that one sales pitch will cost the whole stack of chips. You can’t market your products directly to readers, despite the term “content marketing.” At least not with any real frequency....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Old-style interruption marketing negatively impacts your credibility. Guard your credibility from attack by old-style marketing. 

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Bizarre Tale of Arizona Bistro's Bad PR Grows | The PR Coach

Bizarre Tale of Arizona Bistro's Bad PR Grows | The PR Coach | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Earlier this week, I posted about the Facebook meltdown and trials and tribulations of Amy’s Baking Company Bakery Boutique & Bistro in Scottsdale. Arizona (Epic Facebook meltdown, PR fail or publicity ploy?).


This un-reality show couldn’t get much stranger. It has more twists, turns and intrigue than a Shakespearean tragedy. Or maybe the Keystone Cops would be more accurate?


The bistro was featured in a raucous season finale episode on Kitchen Nightmares featuring explosive celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay.


It was an entertaining and highly-charged reality TV episode complete with drama, screaming, yelling, heroes and villains....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

The un-reality continues with more bad PR, twists and turns and a planned news conference and the most bizarre news release ever. Stay tuned!

Gary Pageau's curator insight, May 17, 2013 2:33 PM

How "not" to...

Jeff Domansky's comment, May 17, 2013 2:38 PM
Thanks for the Scoop Gary. Wasn't that press release something?
Gary Pageau's comment, May 17, 2013 2:49 PM
People forget, PR starts with product, not the spin. If you're core "product" isn't solid, no PR will save you.
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Silvio Berlusconi With A Trunk Full Of Tied-Up Women: Worst Ford Ad Ever?

Silvio Berlusconi With A Trunk Full Of Tied-Up Women: Worst Ford Ad Ever? | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

JWT India created a series of disturbing ads for the FordFigo, one of which shows former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi flashing a peace sign from the front seat of a car that has three curvaceous women tied up and gagged in the trunk. Ford and JWT have both issued an apology.


Ford did not approve the ads; the agency was just publishing some speculative renderings to show off its creative chops. JWT India is Ford's agency for the Figo in that country....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Marketing and advertising seem to operate without regard or sensitivity. Ford has been cleaning up the crisis for days with no word yet on the fate of the  implicated JWT India employees or the status of the ad account with JWT.

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