Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
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Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
Social marketing, PR insight & thought leadership - from The PR Coach
Curated by Jeff Domansky
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Instagram Research You Need NOW! [7 Charts] | Heidi Cohen

Instagram Research You Need NOW! [7 Charts] | Heidi Cohen | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Instagram’s community quietly passed the 80 million member mark with almost 4 billion photos shared while its owner Facebook has 300 million photos uploaded daily.


Despite it’s relative youth and size compared to social media heavyweights like Facebook and Twitter, there’s research related to Instagram to give marketers insight into the platform’s importance and how to use it....


From a brand perspective, the investment doesn’t seem high relative to other forms of social media. About two out of five businesses have an Instagram profile and have posted at least one image....


[An excellent research resource for Instagram data and social media proof points - JD]

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Only 1 out of 4 B2B Companies Track and Follow up on Social Media | Corporate Eye

Only 1 out of 4 B2B Companies Track and Follow up on Social Media | Corporate Eye | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Learn how few B2B and B2C companies around the world track and follow up on consumer social media content and conversations.


The good news is that B2C companies are catching on to the importance of tracking and following up on consumer conversations about their brands across the social web. The bad news is that not enough of them are doing it yet. The worse news is that the numbers are even lower for B2B companies.

In a recent survey of 1,000 B2B and B2C companies, eMarketer reports that Satmetrix learned 17% of B2C companies don’t track what consumers say about their brands on the social web, nor do they follow up on that feedback. Of B2B companies, 47% do not track or follow up on social media comments about their brands...

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2012 Social Media Marketing Industry Report

2012 Social Media Marketing Industry Report | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Are you wondering how your peers are using social media?Wondering if you should focus on Google+ or Pinterest?


In our fourth annual social media study, more than 3800 marketers reveal where they focus their social media activities, how much time they invest and what the rewards are....


[Essential reading for PR 2.0 & content marketing pros - JD]

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The Three Essential Steps to a Socially Engaged Enterprise | Jeffbullas's Blog

The Three Essential Steps to a Socially Engaged Enterprise | Jeffbullas's Blog | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Social media is democratizing marketing and is enabling the aspirational brands to challenge major brands for global mind and market share.


...To be a socially engaged business is no longer an option, it is essential, just like the website was initially perceived in the 1990′s.

A study by PulsePoint Group in conjunction with “The Economist” Intelligence Unit titled “The Economics of the Socially Engaged Enterprise” has revealed that the socially engaged companies have a 400% greater impact....

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Copywrite, Ink.: Winning Or Spinning: The Fifth Estate

Copywrite, Ink.: Winning Or Spinning: The Fifth Estate | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Author Geoff Livingston recently mentioned how average citizens are using social media to activate themselves online and demand change. He defines the phenomenon as the Fifth Estate, which is an extension of the media being considered the Fourth Estate....


I think public relations professionals ought to be afraid....


All of this was an inevitable outcome as the Fourth Estate began to shift away from objective journalism and toward affirmation media, which embraces and elevates public opinion....


[RichBecker's thought-provoking post]

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Ford Create Brilliant Instagram Campaign - 'The Fiestagram'

Ford Create Brilliant Instagram Campaign - 'The Fiestagram' | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

With so many campaigns focusing on either Twitter or Facebook, it's always refreshing to see examples that take advantage of the smaller sites and do something different. Ford's latest campaign for their new Ford Fiesta vehicle had them use Facebook, but the real pull of the campaign was focused around the photo app Instagram....

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5 Steps to Fix a Bad Yelp Review | Flowtown

5 Steps to Fix a Bad Yelp Review | Flowtown | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Review sites like Yelp can offer a helpful service to the general public and give small local businesses a chance to gain word-of-mouth momentum no ad money can buy....


But this open platform also means any grumpy customer can slam your business, affecting your reputation and, ultimately, sales. The good news is you are not powerless. Not only can you can make customer service lemons into lemonade by proactively mining your Yelp profile to address customer service issues before they break your business, but your active care and concern will gain you more social cred. So, if you’ve had a cranky customer slam you on Yelp, follow these 5 steps to get them back on your side — and maybe even add a few stars....

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How After Action Reviews Can Improve Your Social Media Strategy

How After Action Reviews Can Improve Your Social Media Strategy | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

The After Action Review is a reflective practice that can be used for anything, but I find it especially valuable for social media pilots and experiments. The After Action Review (AAR) is a structured way to capture the lessons learned from any project, with the intent of improving future performance. It is an opportunity for a group to reflect on a project, activity, event or task so that they can do it better the next time. It can also be used in the middle of a project or strategy to learn while doing....

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Is Your Antiquated Legal Department a Brand Killer? | Post Advertising

Is Your Antiquated Legal Department a Brand Killer? | Post Advertising | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Legal departments have long been a thorn in brand marketers' sides as they try to stay ahead of the social media curve. Will they ever get along?


We’ve all seen it before: Marketers create an innovative social media campaign only to have it squashed by the legal department into a bland, lifeless lump of the original idea. Sadly, many archaic legal departments are wary of social media at best and digitally illiterate at worst. Their fear of embracing these tools can be a barrier for brands that want to interact with their audiences in authentic, transparent and engaging ways. But that doesn’t mean brands shouldn’t sacrifice creativity...

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Doing It Right & Doing It Wrong | PRBreakfastClub

Doing It Right & Doing It Wrong | PRBreakfastClub | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

In the last 24 hours I’ve happened upon two excellent examples of SM strategies and tactics. One excellent because it’s good, one excellent in its badness. First, the bad....


[Two very interestng social media case studies - JD]

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Need A Morale Boost? Study Finds That Social Media Brings Positive Experiences To Your Life

Need A Morale Boost? Study Finds That Social Media Brings Positive Experiences To Your Life | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
We all use social media to communicate with our friends and loved ones but how about as a morale booster?


Turns out a study from Pew Research found that almost seven out of ten adults had experiences that made them feel good about themselves, and an almost similar number saying that they had experienced moments that ultimately made them feel closer to another person....

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Tackling the Risks of Social Media | Hypertext

Tackling the Risks of Social Media | Hypertext | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Speak to any senior corporate comms exec about the barriers that prevent them from using social media more in their organization, and I guarantee that the issue of ‘risk’ will usually come close to the top of the list.


This raises a couple of questions; what exactly are the risks posed by social media, and how can we negate, or at least mitigate, them?...

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100 Ways to Become a Twitter Power User

100 Ways to Become a Twitter Power User | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
CNNFortune reported 100 million Twitter users log in at least once a month. Half of those, 50 million, log in every day. About 55% check in with mobile devices, while about 40% just check in without actually tweeting.


But how do you take advantage of this growing audience of Twitter consumers? You have to become a power user. So here are 100 proven tips to help you do just that....

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5 Free and Low-Cost Tools for Improving Social Media Productivity | Entrepreneur

5 Free and Low-Cost Tools for Improving Social Media Productivity | Entrepreneur | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Tips from the Search Engine Strategies conference about how social media can make your business run more efficiently.Get the latest blog articles on business...


For busy business owners, managing your brand on a growing list of social networks can be time consuming, if not stressful and frustrating. The good news is that there are a small army of tools and apps that can help simplify the process....


Here's a look at five of the low-cost tools Buyer suggested online marketers add to their social media arsenal...


[Good suggestions worth exploring - JD]

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How American Express Found Its Social Media Groove

How American Express Found Its Social Media Groove | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
American Express's head of social media marketing for the company outlined how the brand got to where it is now.


American Express went from virtually zero social media presence in 2009 to being hailed by Advertising Age as the “real winner” at South By Southwest this year.


How did AmEx do it? Leslie Berland, SVP of digital partnerships and development at the company, attempted to retrace the brand’s steps during a talk at Mashable Connect, and then dispensed a few social media tips on Friday....

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I Blog for Content, Not for Comments. Surprised?

I Blog for Content, Not for Comments. Surprised? | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
I Blog for Content, Not for Comments. Surprised?


I don’t know if that title surprised you, but I thought the time had come to face the fact that this blog gets very few comments when compared to other blogs with similar or even less website visitors. I see a lot of bloggers trying to get more comments for their blogs to the point that they enlist in “tribes” to comment on each other’s blogs, a tactic introduced in a famous blog post by a famous blogger some time ago. In fact, some bloggers go so far as to install WordPress plugins for comments that actually inflate comment numbers to include ReTweets of your blog post. To me, and I speak for myself and not the other bloggers that are contributing on this site, getting few comments really doesn’t bother me....

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Track Impact of Social Media on Public Relations — Full Frontal ROI

Track Impact of Social Media on Public Relations — Full Frontal ROI | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Nichole Kelly describes the ways you can track the impact that social media has on your public relation campaigns.


Have you used social media strategies to support your public relations efforts? Are you struggling to show whether social made a difference?

This post will focus on six metrics you can use to measure the impact of social media on public relations (PR)....

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The social media measurement smackdown | Mark W Schaefer

The social media measurement smackdown | Mark W Schaefer | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Several social media celebrities seem to be recommending that measuring social media efforts is unnecessary. It's time for a smackdown.


Why you MUST measure.


Here are four reasons why you MUST measure the results of your corporate social media activities....

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Infographic: 5 companies that rock at social media | PR Daily

Infographic: 5 companies that rock at social media | PR Daily | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
From surprising a fan with a free steak to creating a Pandora station for a TV show, these five companies know how to succeed on social media. Take a look at how they do it.


An infographic from Voltier Digital neatly illustrates how five companies—Dell, Morton's, Unisys, KLM and ABC—successfully use social media. From customer service and PR to knowledge-sharing, these companies are rocking the world of social....

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15 questions to ask before accepting a blogger request | Arik Hanson

15 questions to ask before accepting a blogger request | Arik Hanson | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
One question I hear from a number of clients: When a blogger sends us an email asking for product to review, how do we decide whether or not we should work with that blogger?


...I thought I’d share a few questions I usually suggest clients start with in evaluating bloggers when they reach out to the company. Below are 15 questions to ask before saying “yes” to that blogger....

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20 More Best SEO Guides, Tips and Insights of 2011 | Webbiquity | B2B Marketing Blog

Discover how to use Google Analytics data, technical tweaks, website audits, keyword research, fresh content, social media activities and more for SEO success.


SEO remains the most cost-effective way to drive website traffic. B2B websites often receive anywhere from 30%-60% from organic search, with 50% or more sometimes coming from Google alone.


But SEO is changing. Directory links are worth less, social links worth more, site performance is increasing in importance, site age is decreasing…how is a digital marketer to keep up?...

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H+K Strategies UK's Blog » Blog Archive » Three things brands should know about Tumblr

H+K Strategies UK's Blog » Blog Archive » Three things brands should know about Tumblr | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Lots has been written about the success of Tumblr. Hard not to love an easy to use blogging platform especially suited to visual content. Teens, trend setters, politicians and activists all love its simplicity, design flexibility and e-mail-or-text-based publishing system. Posts can automatically be shared via Facebook and Twitter and just announced features like Fan Mail (a interblog messaging service) reinforce the social aspect of Tumblr. So what’s the executive summary I share with our clients?...


[Good snapshot of Tumblr - JD]

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Ten Tips for Creating Dialogue in Your LinkedIn Group | Hypertext

Ten Tips for Creating Dialogue in Your LinkedIn Group | Hypertext | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
How to generate discussion when things get stale in your LinkedIn group.


...which makes it a very powerful tool for B2B communications. Further evidence of this is the report presented by HubSpot recently, which says that LinkedIn is almost 300 percent more effective when it comes to generating leads, compared with Facebook and Twitter....

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Pinterest Hits 11 Million UMVs (and 8 Tips for Brands)

Pinterest Hits 11 Million UMVs (and 8 Tips for Brands) | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

In case you haven’t heard, last night TechCrunch announced that Pinterest hit 11.7 million UMVs, becoming the fastest standalone site ever to surpass 10 million monthly uniques. This presents a huge opportunity for brands, as you might have already read about here.


The #1 driver of consumer purchases is word of mouth recommendations from friends, and Pinterest holds the power to drive authentic “word of eye” recommendations in a way that is changing the landscape of social commerce....


[Useful analysis of Pinterest - JD]

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Be Better at Twitter: The Definitive, Data-Driven Guide

Be Better at Twitter: The Definitive, Data-Driven Guide | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
A new study wants to help you tweet, better.


The Most Annoying Tweet Imaginable, in other words, would be overly long. It would contain stale information. It would #totally #overuse #hashtags. It would be excessively personal. It would be aggressively mundane. It would be whiny.


All this, at least, according to a new study, released today, that explores what we like in our tweets -- and what we find really, really off-putting. "Who Gives a Tweet: Evaluating Microblog Content Value" is the culmination of a year's worth of analysis conducted by the researchers Paul André of Carnegie Mellon, Michael Bernstein of MIT, and Kurt Luther of Georgia Tech as they set to find out what separates value from vagary in a Twitter post....


[Superb advice; PR 2.0 must-read - JD]

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