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QuizSlides is the easy way to create stylish, interactive multiple choice tests. Two options - Quiz Slide and Exam Slide.


Download the template and add in the questions. You can include images and text although not yet video or sound (works from Office 2003 template).


Re-upload the quiz and assign the answer grid to it then save.


Send link out to people. They complete the quiz and you get a list of all the scores when you log on to your account. Has a superb score analysis feature with breakdown of answers and charts.


3 marks per question and you lose 1 mark for every incorrect guess (Quiz slide). You can do up to 40 questions.


Timelimit and user identification for Exam slide.


Watch the YouTube video to learn more - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGFBZ-UxK6Q&feature=player_embedded#!

Via Connie Baques , gideonwilliams, Ramesh Sharma