IL-6 targeting mabs vs TNF targeting in rheumatoid arthritis: olokizumab, sarilumab, sirukumab -- Tanaka and Martin Mola 73 (9): 1595 -- Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases | Rheumatology-Rhumatologie |

The safety and efficacy profiles in clinical trials of olokizumab, sarilumab and sirukumab are similar and are consistent with those observed in RA patients treated with tocilizumab. Furthermore, the clinical efficacy of these IL-6 inhibitors is similar to that of TNF inhibitors in patients with MTX-IR and TNF-IR. Screening of biomarkers or genetics in each RA patient, for instance, baseline serum levels of TNF and/or soluble IL-6R, may help to predict the efficacy of each drug and to select patients for cytokine-oriented targeted therapies.33 However, better strategies are warranted for selecting and identifying appropriate patients earlier once bDMARDs targeting IL-6 are launched in the near future. We also need to determine whether there are important differences between the many IL-6 inhibitors and which are suitable for particular patients, otherwise companies may waste time and money in development.

Via Krishan Maggon