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Lancement d’une batterie « révolutionnaire » en France

Lancement d’une batterie « révolutionnaire » en France | Sciences & Technology |

"On parle d’un exploit scientifique pour les équipes du CNRS et du CEA qui viennent de dévoiler une nouvelle batterie capable de remplacer les traditionnelles pilles lithium-ion dont le principal composant risque rapidement de se faire rare..."

Via Hubert MESSMER
Laurent MAIMI's curator insight, January 11, 2016 7:31 AM

Une batterie a base de sodium qui est 1000 fois plus abondant que le lithium, un pas de géant pour le transport et le stockage de l'énergie ...

Laurent MAIMI's curator insight, January 11, 2016 7:36 AM

Une batterie a base de sodium qui est 1000 fois plus abondant que le lithium, un pas de géant pour le transport et le stockage de l'énergie ...

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Learn to Code with Harvard’s Popular Intro to Computer Science Course: The 2015 Edition

Learn to Code with Harvard’s Popular Intro to Computer Science Course: The 2015 Edition | Sciences & Technology |
Briefly noted: This fall, Harvard has been rolling out videos from the 2015 edition of Computer Science 50 (CS50), the university’s introductory coding course designed for majors and non-majors alike.
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Raspberry Pi Zero, l'ordinateur à 5 dollars

Raspberry Pi Zero, l'ordinateur à 5 dollars | Sciences & Technology |

"Le Zero, nouveau modèle de Raspberry Pi en date, vient de faire son entrée au catalogue du constructeur britannique. Le tout à un tarif défiant toute concurrence : 5 dollars seulement.

Un Raspberry Pi à 5 dollars, soit environ 4 euros ? C'est fait. Il s'agit du Zero, nouveau modèle fraîchement lancé par le constructeur. Pour ce tarif, on dispose d'un SoC Broadcom BCM2835 cadencé à 1 GHz, de 512 Mo de RAM, d'un connecteur GPIO 40 broches, de 2 ports USB, d'un lecteur de carte microSD ou encore d'une sortie mini-HDMI. Néanmoins, on ne trouve pas de port Ethernet sur la carte, qui mesure 65 x 30 x 5 mm. Pour rappel, les différents modèles étaient jusque-là proposés à des tarifs allant de 20 à 35 dollars..."

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Nvidia vient de présenter un ordinateur de la taille d'une carte de crédit

Nvidia vient de présenter un ordinateur de la taille d'une carte de crédit | Sciences & Technology |

"Nvidia vient de lever le voile sur un nouvel ordinateur de la taille d'une carte de crédit. Il offre une puissance de calcul phénoménale. Le Raspberry Pi peut aller se rhabiller..."

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This Is Not A Drill, Scientists Have Created An Actual 'Tractor Beam'

This Is Not A Drill, Scientists Have Created An Actual 'Tractor Beam' | Sciences & Technology |

"Engineers in Bristol have found a way to suspend a physical object in thin air using nothing more than a 'hologram' of ultrasonic sound waves.

Essentially, they've created what we know in the realms of science fiction as, a tractor beam..."

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'Open Tree Of Life' Shows How 2.3 Million Earthlings Are Related

'Open Tree Of Life' Shows How 2.3 Million Earthlings Are Related | Sciences & Technology |

"Researchers from multiple institutions have come together to publish Earth's most complete family tree to date, illustrating the evolutionary relationships between about 2.3 million named species of lifeforms over the course of roughly 3.5 billion years on the planet.


From insects to animals to microbes to humans, it's an extraordinary representation of known Earthlings, collected altogether on a single tree diagram..."

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Rescooped by Terheck from Robotique & Intelligence artificielle!

Playlist : tout savoir sur le transhumanisme, la robotique et l'intellignece artificielle

Playlist : tout savoir sur le transhumanisme, la robotique et l'intellignece artificielle | Sciences & Technology |
Cette playlist regroupe l'intégralité de notre interview avec Jean-Claude Heudin, directeur du laboratoire de recherche de l’IIM (institut de l’Internet et du multimédia). Il y aborde des thèmes...

Via Jean-Pierre Blanger
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Nanomagnets could enable high density on chip storage

Nanomagnets could enable high density on chip storage | Sciences & Technology |
A team from the University of California, Berkeley, says it has discovered a new way to switch the polarisation of nanomagnets. The move is said to pave the way for high density storage to move from hard disks onto integrated circuits.
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La NASA met en ligne sa propre galerie de photos

La NASA met en ligne sa propre galerie de photos | Sciences & Technology |

L’agence spatiale vient de lancer NASA Images, un site dédié à héberger toutes les photos spatiales prises ces dernières années.

Le site annonce ainsi regrouper « plus de 100 000 photographies historiques documentant le programme spatial américain ».

Parmi elles, des photos des différentes missions Apollo sur la Lune, mais aussi des images plus vastes de l’univers via le télescope Hubble et les différentes sondes parcourant notre système solaire.


Terheck's insight:

Over 70 NASA imagery collections in a free, searchable resource

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Une mystérieuse société progresse à grand pas dans la fusion nucléaire

Une mystérieuse société progresse à grand pas dans la fusion nucléaire | Sciences & Technology |
Ci-dessus, le procédé dit "Field-Reversed Configuration", utilisé par les chercheurs de Tri Alpha. Un champ magnétique est créé afin de confiner un plasma (constituées de particules chaudes électriquement chargées) le plus longtemps possible.
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Rescooped by Terheck from @The Convergence of ICT, the Environment, Climate Change, EV Transportation & Distributed Renewable Energy!

Earthquakes reveal deep secrets beneath East Asia |

Earthquakes reveal deep secrets beneath East Asia | | Sciences & Technology |

A new work based on 3-D supercomputer simulations of earthquake data has found hidden rock structures deep under East Asia. Researchers from China, Canada, and the U.S. worked together to publish their results in March 2015 in the American Geophysical Union Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth.


The scientists used seismic data from 227 East Asia earthquakes during 2007-2011, which they used to image depths to about 900 kilometers, or about 560 miles below ground.


Notable structures include a high velocity colossus beneath the Tibetan plateau, and a deep mantle upwelling beneath the Hangai Dome in Mongolia. The researchers say their line of work could potentially help find hidden hydrocarbon resources, and more broadly it could help explore the Earth under East Asia and the rest of the world.


"With the help of supercomputing, it becomes possible to render crystal-clear images of Earth's complex interior," principal investigator and lead author Min Chen said of the study. Chen is a postdoctoral research associate in the department of Earth Sciences at Rice University.


Chen and her colleagues ran simulations on the Stampede and Lonestar4 supercomputers of the Texas Advanced Computing Center through an allocation by XSEDE, the eXtreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment funded by the National Science Foundation.


"We are combining different kinds of seismic waves to render a more coherent image of the Earth," Chen said. "This process has been helped by supercomputing power that is provided by XSEDE."


"What is really new here is that this is an application of what is sometimes referred to as full waveform inversion in exploration geophysics," study co-author Jeroen Tromp said. Tromp is a professor of Geosciences and Applied and Computational Mathematics, and the Blair Professor of Geology at Princeton University.


In essence the application combined seismic records from thousands of stations for each earthquake to produce scientifically accurate, high-res 3-D tomographic images of the subsurface beneath immense geological formations.


Click headline to read more, access hot link and view 3D grahics--

Via Chuck Sherwood, Former Senior Associate, TeleDimensions, Inc
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« LedLiquid », la nouvelle lampe à huile

« LedLiquid », la nouvelle lampe à huile | Sciences & Technology |

Une entreprise familiale picarde a conçu une ampoule à LED révolutionnaire… baignant dans l’huile.

Plus lumineuse, plus économe, et inoxydable, la LedLiquid développée par Ledex France est désormais promis à un bel avenir. Elle a reçu le premier prix d’innovation du Salon des maires 2014.

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Pi Overdose? Here’s 5 Raspberry Pi Alternatives

Pi Overdose? Here’s 5 Raspberry Pi Alternatives | Sciences & Technology |

"It's time  for a change. You need a new challenge. Scattered around your house (or just your hobby space) are several Raspberry Pi computers, all performing different tasks. You might have a home security system powered by your Pi, or a media centre. Perhaps you converted an old non-wireless printer into a wireless printer using the Raspberry Pi, or you’re hosting a website, or even an automated Twitter account.

Put simply, you feel as though you have mastered the Raspberry Pi, that there is nowhere else left to go.

You’re wrong: take a look at these five alternatives, each of which can open a whole new world of DIY technology to you..."

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Raspberry pi : la petite histoire d’une grande idée

Raspberry pi : la petite histoire d’une grande idée | Sciences & Technology |

"Le Raspberry Pi (prononcé comme "Raze" "Berry" "Paille" en anglais) est un petit ordinateur de la taille d'une carte bancaire. Il a été conçu par une fondation éducative à but non-lucratif pour faire découvrir le monde de l'informatique sous un autre angle. C'est Alan, franco-irlandais qui nous raconte cette belle histoire. Charlotte Truchet et Pierre Paradinas..."

Daniel Morgenstern's curator insight, January 11, 2016 5:30 PM

Une belle histoire à raconter.

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10 Raspberry Pi Projects for Beginners

10 Raspberry Pi Projects for Beginners | Sciences & Technology |

"The Raspberry Pi is a great little machine—it’s very affordable, highly portable, and user-friendly. But when you first get one, it can be a challenge to figure out which projects you should take on first. These 10 Raspberry Pi projects for beginners are great for getting an introduction to the hardware and software capabilities of the Pi, and will help you get up and running in no time! (...)"

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Hardened steels for more efficient engines

Hardened steels for more efficient engines | Sciences & Technology |
Scientists of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) are working on the development of a new process for hardening steel: With the help of methylamine, they enrich low-alloy steels with carbon and nitrogen.
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Panasonic bringing light and portable power to those without - CNET

Panasonic bringing light and portable power to those without - CNET | Sciences & Technology |
The Japanese electronics giant has designed a power system for the electricity-deprived regions of the world, which it intends to ship throughout Asia and Africa by the year's end.
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Boeing's crazy new metal is 99.99% air

Boeing's crazy new metal is 99.99% air | Sciences & Technology |
This amazing new metal is lighter than paper and can be squished to absorb impact.
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Rescooped by Terheck from Robotique & Intelligence artificielle!

Intelligence artificielle : une nouvelle machine apprend les échecs en 3 jours et se hisse parmi les meilleurs joueurs au monde

Intelligence artificielle : une nouvelle machine apprend les échecs en 3 jours et se hisse parmi les meilleurs joueurs au monde | Sciences & Technology |
Pour la première fois, et grâce au machine learning, une intelligence artificielle utilise un autre raisonnement que la force brute pour battre ses adversaires aux échecs… et rejoint, en 72 heures, les 2,2% de machines les plus performantes au monde. Explications avec un article de MIT Technology Review.

Via Jean-Pierre Blanger
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Rescooped by Terheck from 21st Century Learning and Teaching!

Argentum is like a 3D printer for PCBs | Electronis | Printed Circuit Boards | MakerED

Argentum is like a 3D printer for PCBs | Electronis | Printed Circuit Boards | MakerED | Sciences & Technology |

Cartesian Co.’s rapid prototyping machine is putting the “print" back in printed circuit boards. Despite how far 3D printing has come over the past couple of years, a number of startups have been looking for new ways to take it one step further. Rather than just spit out odds and ends in plastic, what if you could quickly extrude something a bit smarter, like circuit boards, on demand? That’s the idea behind Cartesian Co.’s rapid prototyping machine dubbed Argentum.


Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, August 20, 2015 1:51 PM

Cartesian Co.’s rapid prototyping machine is putting the “print" back in printed circuit boards. Despite how far 3D printing has come over the past couple of years, a number of startups have been looking for new ways to take it one step further. Rather than just spit out odds and ends in plastic, what if you could quickly extrude something a bit smarter, like circuit boards, on demand? That’s the idea behind Cartesian Co.’s rapid prototyping machine dubbed Argentum.

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New Samsung Breakthrough Could Nearly Double Battery Capacity

New Samsung Breakthrough Could Nearly Double Battery Capacity | Sciences & Technology |

"Samsung, with help from researchers and universities in South Korea, has developed a new technology that could nearly double the capacity of lithium-ion batteries. This breakthrough has the potential to make serious waves in consumer electronics as well as electric cars — two industries that desperately need better battery technology..."

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10 Raspberry Pi Disk Images You Can Install This Weekend

10 Raspberry Pi Disk Images You Can Install This Weekend | Sciences & Technology |

"Whether you already own a Raspberry Pi or are planning to buy the latest model, you're probably aware of just how flexible this piece of kit is. Put simply, you can do almost anything with it, from managing your garden to taking photos in near earth orbit. 

But if you’re looking to get started straight away with a project, rather than spend time installing Raspbian and then finding the various project-specific software, why not use one of these pre-baked projects? All you’ll need to do is download and write the image to your SD card, insert into your Raspberry Pi, and power up..."

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Rescooped by Terheck from Veille Éducative - L'actualité de l'éducation en continu!

Autodesk ouvre au public les plans de son imprimante 3D Ember

Autodesk ouvre au public les plans de son imprimante 3D Ember | Sciences & Technology |

"Respectant sa promesse faite aux Makers, Autodesk publie aujourd’hui les plans de son imprimante 3D Ember ! Le design et l’ensemble des composants sont ainsi disponibles depuis cette semaine en téléchargement gratuit sous licence Creative Commons « Attribution/Partage dans les mêmes conditions ». Par ce biais, Autodesk compte bien proposer à la communauté de s’approprier Ember afin de la modifier, de la répliquer et pourquoi pas de l’améliorer."

Via Réseau Canopé
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Which Programming Languages Can You Use With Arduino?

Which Programming Languages Can You Use With Arduino? | Sciences & Technology |
Ready to try something different with your Arduino? You needn't be confined by programming in C. Take these alternative languages for a test drive. The Arduino IDE is core to the ethos behind the project — it's a UI that attempts to turn the daunting task of learning a programming language into something that anyone can take…
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Everything You Need to Know About Home Networking

Everything You Need to Know About Home Networking | Sciences & Technology |

"Setting up a home network is not as hard as you think it is. In fact, if your Internet Service Provider (ISP) gave you a router when you signed up for their services, you probably already have a home network.

In this guide, we’re going to explain the fundamentals of home networking; look at expanding your network to handle more devices; consider the different types of Internet connections; and guide you through some exciting scenarios..."

Terheck's insight:

A very comprehensive guide about home networking. Worth a read.

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