Forget Email. Web Sites Use Notifications to Spam Your Browser Instead | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet |
If there is one thing that is universally disliked, it is spam. Thankfully, most large email services and providers do an admirable job filtering spam before it even gets to your inbox.

Unfortunately, a new method of sending you spam has been created that skips your email altogether and sends it directly to your browser. This new method is called web notification spam and I have started to see numerous sites being setup to utilize this new tactic.

What are web notifications?

Web notifications is a legitimate method that sites can use to send subscribers notifications when new content is available.

It works like this. A visitor goes to a site and they are presented with a notification at the top of the browser that asks them to allow the web site to send or show notifications.  If a user clicks on the Allow button, the site can send them notifications of new content when it is published.

For example, if BleepingComputer utilized web notifications, you would get a prompt like the one below when you visited the site. If you subscribed, it is expected that you would only receive notifications about new content at


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