'Well organized, sophisticated, fast' cybercriminals scare US banks | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
BITS, the U.S. financial industry's IT policy arm, has a new leader: Paul Smocer, an expert in email security and authentication.


BITS, the U.S. financial industry's IT policy arm, has a new leader: Paul Smocer, an expert in email security and authentication.


Smocer is taking the lead of BITS at a time when financial services firms are responding to the emergence of new technologies -- including social networking, mobile computing and cloud computing -- while remaining under attack from ever-savvier cybercriminals. BITS is coordinating efforts by the U.S. banking industry to create new top-level domains -- such as .bank, .insure and .invest -- that would be restricted to financial services firms and could offer consumers extra protection from phishing, malware and other attacks.