Kaspersky’s top 10 vulnerabilities list: be surprised! Apple is in it | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it

Security firm Kaspersky has released its latest IT Threat Evolution report. There were some interesting findings in the report, as always, but the most interesting thing that stuck out was all the way at the bottom.


Microsoft products no longer feature among the Top 10 products with vulnerabilities. This is because the automatic updates mechanism has now been well developed in recent versions of Windows OS.



1. Oracle Java Multiple Vulnerabilities
2. Oracle Java Three Vulnerabilities
3. Adobe Flash Player Multiple Vulnerabilities
4. Adobe Flash Player Multiple Vulnerabilities
5. Adobe Reader/Acrobat Multiple Vulnerabilities
6. Apple QuickTime Multiple Vulnerabilities
7. Apple iTunes Multiple Vulnerabilities

8. Winamp AVI / IT File Processing Vulnerabilities
9. Adobe Shockwave Player Multiple Vulnerabilities
10. Adobe Flash Player Multiple Vulnerabilities






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Browsers, Java, QuickTime:




- Third Party Applications (ALL programs installed on your computer)




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