Millions of Home Networks Infected by ZeroAccess Botnet | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet |
With more than 2 Million home computers infected, the ZeroAccess Botnet Generates roughly $1 Million in Ad Click fraud daily for cybercriminals.


A report from network-based security and analytics vendor Kindsight says that 2.2 million home networks were infected with the ZeroAccess botnet in Q3 2012. This infection rate means that advertisers are losing almost one million dollars a day due to click fraud generated by the botnet, the report adds.


ZeroAccess has been around since 2010, and is a business in and of itself. In September, it was estimated that the size of the botnet had grown to one million systems and had been installed over 9 million times globally, with the majority of these infection and installation points located within the U.S.


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