Satori botnet: Mirai successor awakens with zero-day powers and over 280,000 bots in 12 hours | #CyberSecurity #IoT #InternetOfThings #Awareness | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet |
A new massive IoT (Internet of Things) botnet dubbed Satori has emerged, which security researchers fear, can launch crippling attacks at any time. The botnet has reportedly already infected over 280,000 IP addresses in just 12 hours, enslaving hundreds of thousands of home routers by exploiting a recently discovered zero-day vulnerability.

Satori, which reportedly means "awakening" in Japanese, is actually the infamous Mirai botnet's successor. Since Mirai's authors made the botnet's source code public last year, cybercriminals have been pushing out new variants of Mirai.


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